Invitation and acceptance of tenders for contracts in respect of works of Mandal Praja Parishads and Zilla Praja Parishads
Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Department
G.O.Ms.No. 589
Dated. 29-9-1989
1.Execution of works:-
All works of construction of buildings, roads, bridges or any other development works, except Minor Irrigation Works, which are Sanctioned on contribution of more than 35 percent of the estimated cost by Mandal Praja Parishad or a Zilla Praja Parishad or by the Government, shall be entrusted to the local Gram Panchayat, if the Gram Panchayat itself undertakes the responsibility of collecting the specified contribution and undertakes the work by itself.
All other works (except Minor Irrigation Works) for which the contribution is 35 percent and less of the estimated cost and all full grant works shall be entrusted only after calling for tenders.
In case, a local Panchayat is entrusted with a work under Clause (a) the Work shall be undertaken by the Panchayat itself, the Sarpanch/ Executive Officer acting on behalf of the Gram Panchayat being responsible for the execution of the work in accordance with the terms of the agreement. The Gram Panchayat shall not nominate any other person as its nominee for undertaking the work on behalf of the Gram Panchayat. All the penal clauses of the agreement will also be made applicable and enforceable to such of these Sarpançhes / Executive Officers who undertake the execution of the works representing the Gram Panchayats concerned.
The execution of work shall be entrusted to the Gram Panchayat in the name of the executive authority and not to the Sarpanch/ Executive Officer (in his personal capacity). As no advances are allowed to be drawn against the works to be executed by Gram Panchayats. The work shall be entrusted to the Gram Panchayat depending upon its financial capacity. The District Panchayat Officers have to assess the financial position of each Gram Panchayats in the district and fix up the financial limits up to which each Gram Panchayat can take up the works. In fixing this figure, normal revenue demand under all items and normal expenditure under all items should be taken into account and with reference to the surplus and that may be available the limit shall be fixed. It is not the intention of the Government that the Gram Panchayats should undertake execution of works to the detriment of the Panchayat administration.
Where a Local Panchayat does not fulfil the conditions specified in clause (a) of sub-rule (1) the work shall be entrusted to the sponsors on the specific conditions that—
the sponsors undertake the responsibility of collecting and paying the people's share in full before commencement of the work and that they shall also enter into an agreement in such form of agreement as is prescribed for contractors holding themselves responsible for the proper execution of works;
the sponsors are prepared to undertake the work and agree to utilize the profits, if any for the benefit of the village;
the word Sponsor (whenever used in these rules) means agencies a school building committee, village development committee, a group of group of beneficiaries who come forward to take up the constructional work for the benefit of the community. Such a sponsor who comes forward to execute particular work, shall not give it to any nominee, other than one of the members of the committee, group, etc., on behalf of the entire group who shall execute the work him self;
that such work shall be started Within 15 days from the date of entrustment of the same. In case the work is not taken up the Executive Engineer or the Mandal Development Officer may get the work executed through other agencies.
In case of Minor Irrigation works, the priority in entrustment of works shall be as under
(1) Major ayacutdar
(2) Single or a group of big auacutdars.
(3) Single or a group of other auacutdars who are willing to take up the works.
(4) Gram Panchayats represented by Sarpanch
(5) Contractor.
Explanatory Instruction for entrustment of Minor Irrigation Work:—
An ayacutdar shall be given priority provided he has the financial capacity to execute the
A group of other Ayacutdars who are willing to take up the works:— Same procedure as indicated in para (i) above shall be followed. However, ifmore than one Ayacutdar comes forward to execute the works 'and if all of them are financially sound, preference shall be given to ayacutdar quoting the lowest rates
The contractor should be a registered contractor and where works are minor in nature, there should be no objection to grouping ofsuch minor-works conveniently for calling for tenders.
Departmental Execution:— ln exceptional cases, where departmental execution is considered desirable in the interest of the work either on account of its urgency or of its special nature, the authority competent to call for the tenders to the work may order for taking up departmental execution of the work, with the approval of next higher authority (Technical).
The authority competent to call for tenders in respect of tender work shall also be the authority competent to entrust the works sanctioned on contribution of more than 35 percent of the estimated costs to the Gram Panchayat or sponsor.
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All works specified in sub-rule(l) of Rule 1 and other works, if any which are not accepted by the local Panchayat or sponsors for execution and those works which could not be executed departmentally, shall be entrusted to Contractors for execution.
The works shall be executed by the contractors by any of the following methods namely:
by piece work agreement for works costing upto Rs. 20,000/-
by an agreement based on the lumpsum tender system for all works irrespective of the estimated cost of work.
3.Calling of Tenders : —
Tenders shall be called for in respect of every work which is to be executed on contract basis and contract amount of which exceeds Rs. 2,500/
Provided that the Executive Engineer/ Mandal Development Officer may dispense with the tenders in case of a supplement maintenance work relating to a road which is found neCessary after the annual maintenance contract for the road has been settled, if the COntract amount of the supplemental maintenance work does not exceed 50 per cent of the amount of the original estimate or Rs. 5,000/- whichever is less;
Provided further that the Executive Engineer may, entrust the works on nominations the estimated cost of which does not exceed Rs. 5,000/-
Where tenders are not called for or are dispensed with the work shall be through Panchayat or a contractor selected from the Register of contractors at rates which shall not exceed the sanctioned rates.
4. Register of Contractors:--
A register of Contractors shall be maintained in the Engineer/ Superintending Engineer/Chief Engineer shall scrutinise the register at least once in three months and sign it in token of his scrutiny and effect any changes, if necessary.
Any person desiring to be registered as a contractor, shall apply to the Execuåve Engineer/ Superintending Engineer/Chief Engineer with required fee and other details as needed under the rules prescribed in G.O.Ms.No. 521, Irrigation Department, dated 10-12-1984.
The rules prescribed in the said G.O. 521, Irrigation Dept., Dt. 10-12-1984 With its amendment from time-to-time shall be followed in registration of contractors.
The register and connected papers shall be available for perusal of the audit or supervising officers.
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5. Publicity:—
Sealed tenders shall invariably be invited by the officers mentioned in Appendix Il in the following manner, namely:—
where the estimated value of the work is more than rupees one lakh,—
by a notice in the principal language of the District, pasted at the offices ofthe Dy. Executive Engineers, Executive Engineers, PR, Mandal Praja Parishads, and at such other public places, as the officer calling for tenders may deem fit, and
where the estimated value of the work is more than rupees one lakh the tender notice shall be published in the digest published by the Commissioner for information and Public Relations, Hyderabad and also in one or more daily newspapers having circulation in and around the District.
Where the estimate value is not exceeding Rs. 1.00 lakhs, by sending to the local officers for display on their notice boards, and
In all cases the tender notices shall be sent to registered contractors. The notice shall state,—
The time and place at which tenders are to be submitted and opened ifthe contract is for a major work costing more than one lakh, the last date for submission of tenders should be atleast one month, after the date when publicity is first given tothe.invitation of tenders.
The authority competent to accept the tenders.
The amount of earnest money that shall be sent with the tender and nature Of security deposit to be made by the successful tenderer.
That the contractors who under quote can be called upon to furnish additional security at 5% over the estimated contract value.
The tenders from a tenderer who has failed to complete the works underanY0tW contract is liable to be rejected.
The intending tenders shall be given free access to the contractual documents The notice shall state:
last date for the submission of tenders.
the time and place at which the contractual documents can be seen and the forrnS of the tender can be obtained and also the amount to be paid for the sets of plan or other tender documents.
In case of majority bridge works, over Head Service Reservoirs tender notice shall inclUde a clause that the contractors may submit alternative designs with quotation for complete work, in addition to quotation as per the departmental design, complete set of drawings, estimates and detail calculations (designs) should be required to be furnished by the tenderera so that the alternative design can be fully and quickly examined.
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6. Earnest Money Deposit:
Earnest Money Deposit shall be limited to 2.5% i.e., 1.5% with tender documents and 1% at the time of entering into agreements.
ii.No F.S.D, shall ordinarily be retained from the bills for works below Rs, 50,000/-
For works above Rs, 50,000/- in value, F.S.D, at 3% shall be retained form work bills.
The Earnest Money Deposit should be collected at 2.5% in respect of nomination contracts (except to those entrusted, to LabourContract Co-operative Societies). Where it is not collected in advance, deductions must be made from each bill at 5%.
Income Tax and Sales Tax Clearance Certificate:— The income tax verification certificate and sales tax clearance certificate shall be produced by the contractors before final payment, if the contract amount is more than Rs. 10,000.
7. Disposal or tenders:—
Power shall always be reserved to reject any or all of the tenders received without assigning any reason and this shall be expressly stated in every invitation to tender.
The notice calling for tender of works to be given on contracts shall be in the forms contained in Appendix III.
The officer competent to invite tenders shall open the tenders in the presence of any of the renderers or their authorised agents who are present at the notified time and place and also read out the rates to them. The Officers opening the tender shall initial every correction in each tender which has been initialled by the tenderer. If there is any correction in the tender which not been initialled by the renderer,the officer who opens the tender shall make note in regard to it on the on the tender itself whn it is opened.
He shall keep a personal note of the total number of covers received and the total number of opened by him and verify with the number shown in the comparative statement of tenders.
After of receipt of tenders and before the selection of tender, the officer concerned shall examin all the tenders and satisfy himself that that no corrections which were not in the tenders at the time of the receiving them had been made any of the tenders.
Only tenders from registered contractors under particular category and class required (to be indicated in notice calling for tenders) shall be considered. Tenders from unregistered contractors in partcular class may also be considered, if he applies for the inclusion of name in the register of contractors before publication of advertisement of the notice calling for tenders in respect of any work may be considered, treating as registered contractor in respect of that work, it the tenders are accompenied with proof of application for registration of contractors, copies of testimonials or record of previous executions by them of any such work and by proof of their financial stability and capability for executing such works.
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8. Register of Tenders:-After the tenders are opened they shall be tabulated and posted in a tender register in the form given in Appendix-IV maintained in the Mandal Praja Parishad Office/ Deputy Executive Engineer/ Executive Engineer, Superintending Engineer Panchayat Raj Offices. They shall scrutinize the entries in the register and certify that the tabulation is correct with reference to the original tenders which shall be preserved and made available for the purpose of audit.
9. Withdrawal of Tenders:—
The tenders received will be decided by the Executive Engineer/ Superintending Engineer/Chief Engineer respectively within a two/ three months after the expiry of the last date prescribed for the receipt of tenders and the decision regarding the disposal of the tenders should be indicated to Contractor at any time with in the said period. During the above mentioned period no plea by the tender for any sort of modification of tender based upon or arising out of any alleged misunderstanding of misconception of mistake or for any reason will be entertained. All earnest monies deposited by the tenderer will be forfeited in the event of such either modifying or withdrawing his tender at his instance within the said period in the tender.
In addition to clause (a) above a contractor who withdraws his tender with in the period specified in the tender shall be liable to have his name removed from the register of contractors by the registering authority for a period ranging from one to five years depending upon the gravity
10. Acceptance of lowest Tender:-
The lowest tender shall ordinarily be accepted. Where it is considered undesirable to accept the lowest tender, the reasons shall be clearly recorded in writing by the authority to competent to accept the tender and the case shall be disposed of in the manner specified below:
Where the capacity to do the work and the integrity of a tenderer are notknown, his tender need not be rejected. Such additional security not exceeding cent of the contract amount as the authority competent to accept the tender considers necessary shall, however, be taken from the renderer if the circumstances warrant such a course;
Where the lowest tender is rejected, the next lowest tender shall be considered.
The officers competent to accept tenders as shown in Appendix-Il shall pass orders. If the lowest tender is not accepted the orders of the next higher authoriÿ shall be obtained by the officer who is competent to accept the tender astheese may be, and the decision of that authority shall be final. The reference andtht order thereon shall contain clear and convincing reasons for not acceptingthe lowest tender.
In no case shall a tender be accepted at rates other than those specified tender, if however, the authority competent to accept the tender considers that the rates for certain items in an otherwise lowest tender, which is under consider— are pitched too high, he may negotiate with the tenderer and secure reasonable rates for those items without higher sanction.
There shall be no avoidable delay in the disposal of tenders after theyare In cases, where the officers competent to open the tenders are competent to dispose of tenders, they shall do so ordinarily within a week of the date on they are opened and in any case within a period not exceeding one month' cases, no tenders shall remain undisposed for a period exceeding two date' three months, by Superintending Engineer/Chief Engineer from which they are opened.
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11. Acceptance of tenders which exceed the estimated rates:— The procedure for acceptance of tenders shall be as indicated in Appendix-ll.
The Tender Committee for acceptance of tenders which are not within the competency of Chief Engineer, Panchayati Raj (General) or R.W.s. consists of the following members:
Chief Engineer, Panchayati Raj (Rural Water Supply).
Chief Engineer, Public Health.
3.secretary to Government, Finance and Planning (Finance Wing) or his nominee.
12. Dispensing with tenders and negotiation:— Notwithstanding anything in these rules, the executive engineer may,—
Dispense with further call of tenders (nomination) when either no tender is received in the first instance or only high premium tenders, which are not considered reasonable, are received—
if the estimated amount of the work does not exceed Rs. 20,000 without reference to any higher authority;
if the estimated amount of work exceeds Rs. 20,000 but does not exceed Rs. 60,000 with the previous approval of the Superintending Engineer, Panchayati Raj;
if the estimated amount of work exceeds Rs. 60,000 but does not exceed Rs.1,00.000 with the previous approval of the Chief Engineer, Panchayati Raj; and
in all other cases with the approval of Government;
negotiate with the tenderers in order to entrust the work to the most suitable tenderer, having regard to all the local conditions and accept an offer at a rate lower than that specified in the tender (by the tender receiving or higher authority).
Entrustment of R.W.S. Works:— The Chief Engineer, R.W.S. is empowered to entrust the R.W.S. Works upto 25% excess over estimated rates to the Gram Panchayat or village level committee or through Departmental execution or through a contractor, dispensing with calling of tenders; if there is no response when the works are put for tenders atleast two times.
The Officer competent to accord technical sanction to the revised estimate can entrust the additional work to the original contractor after the revised estimate or additional work is administratively sanctioned by the concerned standing committee of Mandala Praja Praishad or Zilla PFaja Parishad or other competent authority if the additional work is contingent on the main work otherwise additional work may be treated as a separate item work and executed as per rules.
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13. Concessions given to the Labour Contract Co-operative Societies —
The Labour Contract Harijan/ Girijan Co-operative Societies consisting of S.Cs. S.Ts. and Wadderas may be treated as Class Ill contractors eligible upto Rs. 10.00 lakhs.
The individuals belonging to these weaker sections of who are unemployed Engineers and who are not members of Co-operative Societies may be treated on par with unemployed or retrenched Engineers for the purpose bf extending concessions as to the entrustment of work.
No second work should be given unless sufficient progress is shown on the 1st work entrusted and also that no 2nd work to be entrusted unless 1st work is completed, wherever it exceeds original agreement period in execution.
No solvency certificate need be insisted for the purpose of registration.
5)Exemption from collecting E.M.D. for works consisting upto Rss 1.00 lakh in case of individuals (unemployed Engineers ofthese weaker sections) and Rs. 5.00 lakhs in the case of societies may be allowed.
Entrustment of works on nomination at the estimated rates:—
The following officers are empowered to entrust works to the extent of costs indicated against each.
Executive Engineer, (PR) Rs. 25,000/-
Superintending Engineer (PR) upto Rs. 50,000/-
Chief Engineer, P.R. upto Rs. 1.00 lakh for individuals, upto Rs. 5.00 lakhs in case of societies.
The identification of individuals, formation of societies etc., will be taken care of by Co-operative Department with the active guidance of District Collectors.
These concessions will apply to the Labour Co-operative Societies of S.Cs.S.Ts. and Wadderas and also to the persons belonging to S.Cs., S.Ts. or Wadderas who happen to be unemployed or retrenched Engineers.
Reservation of works for allotment to these societies in a Mandala Praja Parishad, shall upto 15% of the Budget allotment made to the Mandala Praja Parishads.
Advances shall not be sanctioned.
The concessions will not apply to the individuals unless they happen to be either unemployed or retrenched Engineers.
The societies or individuals to uwhom these concessions are sanctioned are forbidden from sub-letting or giving power of attorney to other and a stipúlation may be made in Agreements to this effect.
In case it is noticed that the work entrusted to agency is executed by others i.e., regular professional contractors, the concession holder will be debarred from availing of concessions for a period of three years. If professional contractors are found to be in collusion with the concession holders, their (professional contractors) names shall be deleted from the approved list of contractors.
The labour co-operative societies consisting of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Waddars should execute the works within the Jurisdiction or Mandala Praja Parishads to which they belong.
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14. Concessions given to unemployed Engineers:— The concessions given to unemployed Engineers and retrenched Engineers from time-to-time by Government are subject to the following conditions:—
The concessions should not be allowed to those who have already availed themselves of the concessions over a period of three years from the date of first availment.
The total number of works to be awarded in a year to individual contractors (i.e., retrenched or unemployed Engineers) should be limited to Rs. 2.00 lakhs in value.
The retrenched or unemployed Engineers should neither sublet the contracts given to them nor give power of attorney to anybody else.
In case it it noticed that the work entrusted to them are executed by others, these retrenched or unemployed Engineers, shall be deleted from the approved list of contracts under State Government for a period of 3 years. The value of work done should also be forfeited.
The retrenched and unemployed Engineers should execute the works within the jurisdiction of the Division in which they are registered.
No second work should be awarded to unemployed Engineers or retrenched Engineers or firms comprising solely unemployed and retrenched Engineers till the first work is completed and due certification by the Executive Engineer concerned is issued.
The exemption from collection of deposits (EMD) only maybe restricted for works entrusted on nomination and the same may be recovered in running bills.
In case, where the unemployed Engineers or retrenched Engineers or firms consisting unemployed or retrenched Engineers participated in tenders, they should remit E.M.D. along with tenders.
15.Agreement Period:—
Reasonable agreement period for each contract should be fixed by the tender inviting authority keeping the nature of work in view. Time should be the essence of the contracts and works should generally be got executed within the original agreement period.
If there is any need for extension of agreement time, the following procedure is prescribed:
Zilla Paraja Parishad Works Contracts:— In respect of Zilla Praja Parishad works contracts, the authority to grant extension of time beyond the original agreement period shall vest with the officers next higher than the one who accepts the tenders.
In case where the tenders are accepted either by the Chief Engineer (P.R.) or by Tender committee, the Chief Engineer, PR himself can grant extension of agreement time upto a maximum period of one year beyond the original agreement period, provided the balance costofwork does not exceed Rs. 5.00 lakhs and there is no supply of material like cement, iron, etc., by the Department. However no revision of the contract rates shall be allowed during the extended period. Cases of extension of agreement time beyond the above limit shall be submitted to Government for approval.
In respect of Mandala Praja Parishad works contracts, where the tenders are accepted by the Mandal Development Officer with the recommendation of the Deputy Executive Engineer/ Executive Engineer/ Superintending Engineer the authority to grant the extension of agreement time shall vest with Executive Engineer/ Superintending Enginer/Chief Engineer respectively. In respect of tenders accepted with the recommendation of ChiefEngineer or tender committee, the extension of time can be granted upto a period of 6 months over original agreement time by the Chief Engineer, PR, provided the balance cost of work does not exceed Rs. 5.00 lakhs. Cases of extension beyond the above limit shall be submitted to Government for approval.
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16.Revision of Rates:—
No revision of rates is accepted and agreements of all kinds are prohibited during the currency of such agreement. Once the agreement has been entered into, there should be no question of granting increase in rates without calling for fresh tenders, following the prescribed procedure. But the revision of rates in current agreement shall be limited to rectifications of bonafide mistakes or errors in original agreements such as clerical or typographical errors only. No revision of rates in current agreement for other reasons is permissible.
Correction of rates in tenders:— After opening of tenders, if any contractor makes representation regarding an error that has crept in through oversight or in advertence in any of the rates quoted by him, the revision requested for could be taken into account of evaluating the tender. The tender deciding authority should be ascertained whether it is a case of genuine error out of sheer oversight or inadvertence or it is a case ofdeliberate attempt to under bid in the first instance and being lowest trying to gain advantage by enhancing the rate still below the next higher tender. This can be done by comparison of the rate quoted with the estimated rate and the rates bid by other tenderers for the item in view. In the former case (oversight or inadvertence), the bid should be corrected according to the request ofthe bidder and evaluated for further consideration. In the latter case the tender should be summarily rejected and or such action taken against the tenderer as is permissible under the conditions of the bid of the rules of Registration of Contractors.
17. Splitting of Estimates:—AlI estimates in respect of work executed should be self contained and full in all respects. Personnel responsible for splitting of estimates should be severally punished.
18.Refund of Deposits:— That in respect of unsuccessful tenders the Executive Engineer (PR) Mandal Development Officers, shall enter the deposits in his cash book and the deposits register with reference to challans enclosed to the tender documents. The Earnest Money Deposits in such cases be refunded by noting in the Deposit Register in the month in which the refund is made along with Voucher No. and that the fact ofrefund should' also be recorded on the Treasury Challan to prevent double repayments.
Register of Contractors (See Rule 4)
Sl. No.
Name of contractor
Money limit subsisting contracts which can be safely entrusted to him for execution at any time in the course of one year
Whether fit for supply of material only for road works, or for masonary works, or all works in general
Whether suitable for any local area only or anywhere in the district
Number and date of the Challan by which the fee for registration was paid
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Works -Contracts
Estimated Value of the item of work put for Tender
Mandal Development Officer but the Dy. Exe.Engineer (PR) has to appprove schedules
1. Mandal Development Officer with the approval of Dy. Exe.Engineer at or below estimate rates
Mandal Development Officer
2.Mandal Development Officer with the approval of Exe.Engineer upto 5% below estimate rates
Mandal Development Officer
With concurrence of Asst.Engineer
3.Mandal Development Officer with the approval of Superintending Engineer upto 25% below estimate rates
Mandal Development Officer
With the concurance of Ass.Engineer
4.Mandal Development Officer with the approval of Chief Engineer upto 40% above estimate rates
Mandal Development Officer
Above Rs. 20,000 to Rs.1.00 lakh
Mandal Development Officer but the Exe.Engineer (PR) has to appprove schedules
1.Mandal Development Officer with the approval of Exe.Engineer upto 5% above estimate rates
Mandal Development Officer
2.Mandal Development Officer with the approval of Superintending Engineer upto 25% above estimate rates
Mandal Development Officer
3.Mandal Development Officer with the approval of Chief Engineer upto 40% above estimate rates
Mandal Development Officer
Above Rs.1.00 lakh to Rs.10.00 lakhs
Mandal Development Officer but the Supdt. Engineer (PR) has to appprove schedules
1.Mandal Development Officer with the approval of Executive Engineer upto 10% above estimate rates
Mandal Development Officer
2.Mandal Development Officer with the approval of Chief Engineer upto 40% above estimate rates
Mandal Development Officer
Above Rs.10.00 lakh
1.Mandal Development Officer with the approval of Supdt. Engineer upto 10% above estimate rates
Mandal Development Officer
2.Mandal Development Officer with the approval of Chief Engineer upto 40% above estimate rates
Mandal Development Officer
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Chit Tender Notice
(See Rule 7 (b))
Sealed tender in the prescribed forms for the works noted below will be received the from the registered Contractors by the Mandal Development Officer, Mandal Praja Parishad/ Executive Engineer, Zilla Praja Parishad / Superintending Engineer, (PR) at his office up to ........p.m. on ...... and will be opened on the same day at………..p m. in the presence of the tenderers or their agents by the Mandal Development Officer, Mandal Praja Parishad/ Executive Engineer (PR)/ Superintending Engineer, (PR) or his Deputy.
Tender documents will be issued on all working days during office hours to the intending tenderers on application in writing, accompanied by Challan towards the cost of each set of tenders schedules noted against each work including Sales Tax to the credit of Mandala Praja Parishad/ Zilla Praja Parishad Fund. This amount not refundable under any circumstances.
If the date fixed for receiving tenders happens to be an extraordinary holiday the tenders will be received on the following day at the time fixed already and opened in the manner specified above.
The Mandal Development Officer /Executive Engineer reserves the power for reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons.
All the rates should be quoted both in words and figures in Rupees and Paise. The contractors who under quote can be called upon to furnish additional security at 5% over the estimated contract value.
The tender from a tenderer should be accompany with Earnest Money Deposit as noted in the Chit tender notice against each work in the shape of Challan or Call Deposit or Bank Draft or National Savings Certificate endorsed in favour of the Officer inviting tenders or in the name of the Officer specified in the tender notice.
Name of the work
Cost of each tender document
Earnest Money Deposit
Time for completion
Nature of contract
(See Rule8)
Name of the Work:
Total amount of Contract:
Number of Tenders received:
Sl. No.
Name of Tenders
Whether registered contractor or not/ Registration Number of the Contractor
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