
        To Read Rera Act, 2016, select Muncipal related, scroll down and select RERA Act

Important Acts

      1. Telangana Municipal Act,219,
      2. Telangana Panchayat Raj Act,2018
      3. Building and other Consturction workers welfare cess Act
      4. Abolition of Inams Act,1955
      5. Protection from Domestic Violence(Amendment) Act,2016
      6. Real Estate Regulation Act,2016
      7. Telangana State Rent Control Act, 1960
      8. APFIMS Act
      9. TS-IPASS Act,2014
      10. National Food Security Act,2013
      11. Prevention of Food Adulteration Act & Rules
      12. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act,1960
      13. Cattle tresspass Act,1871
      14. Revenue Recovery Atct.1864
      15. Forms of Revenue Recovery Act,1864
      16. Sc,St Sub Plan Act
      17. A.P. WALTA Act,2014
      18. WALTA Amendment
      19. Marriage Registration Act
      20. Right to Education Act of India
      21. The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizen Act, 2007
      22. NALA Act, 2006
      23. Andhra Pradesh District Planning Act, 2005
      24. Right to Information Act,2005
      25. R.T.I. Act in Telugu
      26. R.T.I.Act. 4(1)(b)
      27. Biological Diversity Act, 2002
      28. Grampanchayat Transitional Act,1995
      29. Record Act,1993 of India
      30. A.P.Audit Act
      31. A.P. Profession tax Act 1987
      32. PESA Act (Central) 1996
      33. A.P.PESA Act. (Telugu)
      34. A.P, Panchayat Raj Act 1994
      35. Environment Protection Act,1986
      36. Birth and Death Act 1969
      37. Recognition of Forest Rights Act of India
      38. HMDA Act
      39. Consumer Protection Act-1986.
      40. Indian Limitation Act, 1963
      41. The Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956
      42. Andhra Pradesh (Telangana Area) Abolition of Inams Act, 1955
      43. Aandhra Pradesh (Telangana Area) District Board Act, 1955
      44. Telangana Metropoliton Act,2007
      45. Transfer of property act, 1882
      46. Andhra Pradesh Public Resort Act, 1888
      47. Cattle Tresspass Act, 1871
      48. Farmers Management System of Irrigation
      49. Childrens Act, 1960

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