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Guidelines for function and meeting of D.P.C


A.P. District Planning Committees Act, 2005 – Constitution of District Planning Committees – Guidelines on Functions and Meetings’ Procedure – Orders – Issued.


Dated: 03.10.2007


1.emsp; G.O.Ms.No.20, P.R & R.D (Elections & Rules) Dept., dated.17.01.2007


Under article-243ZD of the Constitution of India, the Government is empowered to constitute in the State, a District Planning Committee at the District level to consolidate the plans prepared by the Panchayats and the Municipalities in the District by undertaking Legislation. Accordingly, the Legislative Assembly of the State of Andhra Pradesh enacted the Act No.40 of 2005 on 15th November 2005 called the Andhra Pradesh District Planning Committees Act, 2005. The main function of the District Planning Committee is to consolidate the development plans of all the urban and rural local bodies in the district and monitor their implementation, apart from making recommendations to the State Government for the development of the district.

  1. Ensure that each GP or MPP or ZPP or Nagar Panchayat or Municipality or Municipal Corporation in the district prepares a Development Plan for the financial year which shall be consolidated into the District Development Plan and shall be submitted to the Government for incorporation into the State Plan
  2. Review from time to time the implementation of the Development Plan so prepared and monitor the achievements at the district level against the targets set under different development or performance indicators
  3. Formulate draft five year plans of the district in their socio-economic, temporal and spatial dimensions
  4. Make necessary recommendations to the Government subject to the guidelines issued from time to time.
  5. Perform such other functions as entrusted by the Government subject to the guidelines issued from to time.
  1. The Chairperson of the DPC (Chairperson of ZP) shall preside over its meeting and in his/her absence, a member chosen from among the members shall preside over the meeting.
  2. The District Planning Committee shall hold the meeting at least once in every three months on the date, time and venue fixed by the Chairperson.
  3. The Member Secretary (District Collector) shall give notice regarding the date, time and venue of the meeting and the subjects to be discussed in the meeting to all the members of the Committee and permanent special invitees at least five clear days before the date fixed to hold the meeting. In the said clear days, the declared public holidays shall include and the date of the receipt of the notice and the date of meeting shall not include.
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5

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