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Sunday, April 9, 2023

Andhra Pradesh State Audit Rules, 2000

Andhra Pradesh State Audit Rules, 2000
Finance and Planning (FW. Admn. II),

G.O. Ms. No. 130,
dated 08.09.2000

Last Updated 27th August, 2019 [ap463] No. G.O. Ms. No. 130. -

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section-16 of the Andhra Pradesh State Audit Act, 1989 (Act No. 9 of 1989), the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules.

1. Short title and commencement. -
  1. These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh State Audit Rules, 2000.
  2. These rules shall come into force at once.
2. Definitions. - In these rules unless the context otherwise requires,
  1. 'Group basis audit' means the Andhra Pradesh State Audit Act, 1989,
  2. 'Group basis audit' in relation to audit means conduct of audit of a group of Local or other Authorities by a group of Auditors.,
  3. 'Illegal Payments' means all the payments referred to in Sections 8 and 10 and read with correspondingly in these rules.
  4. 'Other Authority' means the authorities specified in the Schedule appended to the Act.
  5. 'review' means check by higher authority wherever necessary in respect of the audit work done by an Auditor or Auditors who conduct the basic work, on items most susceptible of misapplication of rules or orders which lead to illegal payments.
  6. 'Special letter' means the letter or letters containing the list of audit Objections of surchargeable nature,
  7. 'Surcharge Certificate' means the certificate by which the charge or the liability of a surchargee is communicated.
  8. The words and expressions used in these rules but not defined, shall have the same meaning assigned to them in the Andhra Pradesh State Audit Act, 1989.
3. Powers and functions of the Director. -
  1. The Director shall, in addition. to the powers vested in him under the Act, and the rules made thereunder, exercise the powers and perform the functions of the Head of the Department under the various rules, codes and orders of the Government.
  2. The Director may inspect the accounts of Local Authorities and other Authorities specified in the Schedule.
  3. The Director may condone the audit of accounts of any Local Authority or other Authority, where the audit is not possible due to loss of records on account of floods, fire and theft and other natural calamities in consultation with the heads of Administrative Departments of the Local Authorities or other Authorities concerned.
  4. The Director shall have to power to initiate disciplinary action against the authorities who are found negligent in enforcing and misusing the powers under the provisions of the Act and the rules and they are liable for disciplinary action in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (GCA) Rules, 1991:

    Provided that in the cases where the Government is the disciplinary authority, such cases shall be referred to the Government for taking disciplinary action as per the Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (CCA) Rules, 1991:

    Provided further that the disciplinary cases pending as on the date of commencement of these rules shall be finalised by the Director as per these rules.

  5. The Director may call for all the files including the files relating to confidential nature which are not produced to auditors, by the Chief Executive Officer and deal with them in accordance with the standing instructions for the handling and custody of such documents issued from time to time in this regard.
  6. In respect of non-notified Gram Panchayats and other authorities of smaller transactions, and where the individual audit or group basis audit to such authority by an Auditor for audit is not considered desirable or feasible in terms of time spent on transits etc., the Director may through his Subordinate Staff organise to conduct the audit of the said authorities on Group basis, at Mandal Headquarters or at such other places as specified. The responsibility for making available the records at Mandal Headquarters or at the specified places, shall continue to rest with the Chief Executive Authority concerned. The Authority or the Authorities having the administrative control over the said Local or other Authorities shall take all necessary measures to ensure production of all records as desired by the auditors.
  7. If any difficulty arises in enforcing the various provisions of these rules, unless they require orders from the Government, the same can be clarified by the Director.
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