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Friday, March 17, 2023

Survey and Boundaries Act, 1923

Survey and Boundaries Act
Patta Sub Divisions
Sub Divisions in Poramboke field/LA. cases
Survey in Telangana Region
Procedure for Demarcation of Private Land

It is necessary to maintain the (a) Survey marks on ground (b) Field measurement book (c) Village plan and (d) Settlement Register (Diglot/Settlement Fair Adangal) upto date by effecting changes that occur day to day on account of sale, gift, partition, succession, acquisition, alienation, assignment, relinquishment, change of classification, etc., of land, for the following purposes.

  1. To protect the Government lands from encroachments.
  2. To settle boundary disputes between private lands;
  3. To correctly assess Land Revenue and other taxes for each holding, and
  4. To enable the ryots to establish their right over their holding in a court of law.

U/s. 15 of the S &s B Act (Vlil of 1923) every registered holder (owner) of land is bound to maintain, renew and repair all survey stones on the boundaries of his holdings. It shall be the duty of every Village Assistant to ensure that the Survey stones are not tampered with and when he notice and missing survey stones during his cycle of Inspections, he should report the particulars to the Mandal Surveyor through the Mandal Revenue Inspector together with draft notices u/s 15 (2) which are to be signed either by the Mandal Revenue Inspector or Mandal Surveyor and served on the ryots concerned. The Mandal Surveyor during his visits should renew the missing stones in cases in which 15 days time expired after service of notices issued u/s. 15 (2) and the maintenance charges shall be recovered from the ryots concerned as per rules.

The procedure to be followed in respect patta sub divisions and sub divisions in poramboke fields/L.A. cases is follows:-

Patta Sub Divisions

  1. Initial measurement is done by the the Villiage Secretary.
  2. No formalities under S & B Act need to be observed.
  3. Additional durable demarcation is not involved.
  4. A single set of statement and sketch are to be prepared.
  5. The file is sent for final scrutiny to the Inspector of Survey after incorporating changes in the village accounts.
  6. D-Sketch is not corrected in the village.
  7. Only one certificate under B.S.O 34 A-Para 13 (b) is to be appended.
Contd.Page. 2.
Pages: 1 2 3 4

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