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Saturday, February 26, 2022

Adoption of overhead Charges in works


P.R. & R.D. DEPARTMENT – Road and Bridge works – Adoption of overhead Charges and Contractors profit for Road and Bridge works taken up in P.R. & R.D. Department and allowing of tender premium in respect of works for which MORD specifications adopted – Permission – Accorded – Orders – Issued.

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Dated: 19-2-2008.

Read the following:
  1. G.O.Ms.No.141,T.R. & B. Department, dt.27.7.2006.
  2. G.O.Ms.No.230,T.R. & B Department, dt.13.8.2007.
  3. From the E-in-C(P.R.),Hyderabad lr.No.T1/29042/96, dt.17.11.2006.
  4. G.O.Ms.No.122,P.R. & R.D.(Progs.II)Dept.,dt.30.3.2007.
  5. Govt.Memo.No.8887/Progs.II(2)/07,dt.8.5.2007.
O R D E R:

  In the references 1st and 2nd read above TR&B Department have accorded permission adopting 20% overhead charges, contractors profit and allowing 5% tender premium in respect of works for which the Ministry of Road Transport and Highway (MORTH) specifications are adopted for all Road and Bridge works.

2.  In the reference 3rd read above, the E-in-C(P.R.) has requested the Government to issue orders for adopting contractors profits, overhead charges, Tender premium to P.R. department also.

3.  In the reference 5th read above orders were issued permitting 16.5% overhead charges for PMGSY Phase VI works which includes 10% contractors profit + overhead charges + 1.4% VAT subject to no tender premium of 5% normally permissible and no cost escalation.

4.  During the review meeting it was pointed out that the different rates and different specifications within P.R. & R.D. Department and within P.R. & R&B Department are causing difficulties in eliciting the response from the contractor, which is resulting in slow progress of works. Therefore it has been proposed for all the tender works of Panchayat Raj department to follow the specifications of Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India which are by and large, same as manual specification of Ministry of Road Transport and Highway (MORTH). Apart from following a uniform specification of MORD to all the tender works in Panchayat Raj Department, it is proposed that the allowances given by R&B Department are also applicable to the works for P.R. Department including PMGSY. In case of Panchayat raj Department works the MORD standards shall apply with regards to specifications as well as use of machinery and the MORD rates are contigent to following of the standards as above.

5.  Government have examined the matter carefully and hereby accord permission for adoption of 16.5% overhead charges which includes contractors profit at 10% for all the tender works of Panchayat Raj including PMGSY by following the specifications of MORD, subject to following conditions:
  1. In framing data adopting MORD specifications, the component of overhead charge is included at the prescribed percentages. This component of overhead charges includes Sales Tax/VAT. Hence, this component of Sales Tax/VAT shall be deducted in the overhead charges in the data but, shall be separated and shown in Part-B of the estimate. The VAT component so deducted should not be less than the reimbursable amount.
  2. A condition shall be included in the agreement that the VAT component loaded in the estimate shall be added in each bill of the contractors who opt for composition scheme and recovered.
  3. In respect of those contractors, who do not opt for composition scheme, the VAT component loaded in the estimate shall not be released to them with their bills and VAT, however, shall be recovered and for the recovery made, a deduction certificate shall be issued, based on which they have to claim adjustment through their returns submitted to their respective assessing authorities.
6.  Government hereby also order to allow 5% tender premium on par with TR&B Department in second or subsequent tender calls only.

7.  The price escalation orders issued vide reference 4th read above are also applicable to all the tender works including PMGSY.

8.  The above orders shall be implemented subject to the following conditions.
  1. These orders are applicable with prospective effect only.
  2. Already settled/closed cases shouldn’t be reopened for applying the orders of this G.O.
  3. Price escalation clause should be allowed carefully duly ascertaining the fulfillment of all the aspects of quantity, quality and contractual obligations.
  4. No cases of revised administrative sanction will be entertained.
  5. The concession given under this G.O. are not applicable to the works entrusted on nomination basis.

9.  This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (Expdr.P.R.& RD) Department vide their U.O.No.04947-A/88/A1/Expdr.P.R.& R.D./08,dt.19.2.2008.

10.  The Engineer-in-Chief (P.R.) shall take necessary action accordingly.


The Engineer-in-Chief(P.R.), Hyderabad.
Copy to:
Accountant General, A.P,,Hyderabad.
Finance (Expdr.P.R.) Department.
P.S. to M(P.R.)/Spl.C.S.



Deductions from works bills


PR&RD DEPT – Issues of Builders Association of India (AP Center) related to civil works in PR Department – Certain Guidelines - Orders – Issued.


Read the following
  1.  G.O.Ms.No.1, Finance Dept (W&P), dt.25.2.2012
  2.  G.O.Ms.No.94, I&CAD (PW-COD) Dept, dt.1.7.2003
  3.  G.O.Ms.No.57 PR&RD (progs.II) Dept, dt.19.2.2008
  4.  Representation of Builders Association of India (AP Centre), dt.13.9.2012
  5.  Memo No.16274/Progs.II(1)/2013, dt.26.6.2013
  6.  From the ENC, PR Lr.No.T2/DEE-5/Builder’s Association/2013, dt.21.10.2013

In the ref 4th read above, Builders Association of India has submitted certain issues requesting to the Government to consider the same and issue suitable orders.

  1. Price Escalation
  2. Seinorage Charge
  3. Tender Premium
  4. VAT 5%
  5. Labour Cess
  6. Completion report
  7. Over Head Charges
  8. EOAT
  9. Price Escalation Provisions
  10. Tender Participation
  11. Income Tax
  12. Sand
  13. Payment of Bills

2.  In the ref 5th read above, Government has requested the Engineer-inChief, PR to examine and to furnish a detailed report on the representation of Builders Association of India. The ENC, PR has submitted a detailed report along with the minutes of Board of Chief Engineers held on 19.6.2013 and requested to take necessary action in the matter.

3.  Government have convened a meeting on 17.10.2013 with the Engineer-in-Chief, PR/ Chief Engineers of PR Dept/ representative of Finance Dept/ Members of the Builders Association of Inida in the chambers of Hon’ble M(PR&RWS), the issues have been discussed as put-forth by the BAI in detail.

4.  Government after careful consideration of the issues of the Builders Association and hereby clarified on the following:-

i. Price Adjustment:-

Price Adjustment whether it is increase or decrease in the costs after deducting the basic 5%.

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