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Saturday, October 2, 2021



Panchayat Raj& Rund Davelopment Department - Reforms in Panhayati Raj Engineering Department - Revision and streamlining of Tender Procedure - Orders- issued

G.O.Ms.No. 195

Read the following:-

1.  G.O,Mc.No.589, PR & RD (Mandals-I) Dept, dt.20-9-89
2.  G.O.Ms.No.177 to 182, I& CAD (PW:COD) Department, dt.27-9-97
3.  G.O.Ms.No. 477, PR & RD (Proga-II) Dept, dt.12-11-6B
4.  G.O.Ms.No.94, PR & RD (Estt-III) Dept, dł.B-3-99
5.  G.O.Ms.No.95, PR & RD (Estt-III) Dept, 0I.8-3-90
6.  G.O.Ms.No. 23, I & CAD (PW.COD) Dept, dt.5.3.80
7.  From the Engineer-in-Chief(PR) Letter NO.T1/10744/05, dated 6.4.99

Government have from time to time initiated several reforms in tendering for Public works with a view to bring in simplification of procedures, greater transparency and to ensure better quality of works.

2. Government issued orders in the G.O 2ndread above introducing comprehensive reforms streamlining and standardising the procedures for calling tenders and award of contracts.

3. Government issued ordars in the G.O. 3rd read above, ordering further tender reforms with a view to curb collusion and unfair practicess adopted by the Contractors in the tendering process.

4. Aftar isauance of the aforesaid orders, cornplaints were received by the Government that the Contractors were still indulglng in unfair practices and colluding in filing the tenders. Government, therefore, with a view to take stringent action in such cases, convened a workshop on 10-11-1996, with the representatives of Builders Association, Contractors and Government Officials to elicit their vieves on furthar reforms required to be introduced. The Committee constituted with the represantatives of the Builders Association and Government Officials, after thorough examination of the consensus emerged in the workshop has made certain recommendations to Govemment.

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