Panchayat Raj & rural Development Department - Palle Pragathi — Rainy Season- Comprehensive guidelines for Gram Panchayats on preventing the spread of seasonal, vector and water borne diseases amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic - Orders - Issued.
Dated: 19-05-2020.
O R D E R:-
In view of the ensuing rainy season and the seasonal diseases like gastroenteritis, diarrhoea, dengue, chikungunya, malaria, typhoid and viral fevers amidst the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, there is every need to take utmost care and adequate precautionary and preventive measures to prevent the spreading of these diseases and safeguard public health in the rural areas of the state.
2. The following guidelines are issued to all the Gram Panchayats in the State to take up preventive and precautionary measures to safeguard public health within their jurisdictions.
1. Measures to prevent stagnant water within the Habitations:
The Sarpanch and the Panchayat Secretary along with the Sanitation Sub-Committee of the Gram Panchayat shall take up a scheduled and structured Padayatra of all the Habitations of the Gram Panchayat to identify those areas where there is a likelihood of the water stagnation/water pools during the ensuing rainy season. The Sarpanch and the Panchayat Secretary shall ensure that immediate and time bound steps are taken to prevent such stagnation. The following areas need to be attended to:
1.1 Desilting of all pucca and kaccha drains before and during the rainy season so as to ensure the free flow of drain water and rain water.
1.2 Ensuring the filling up with good quality "morom" of all low-lying areas to prevent rain water/waste water from gathering and creating water pools.
1.3 Filling up all pot-holes on main roads and path ways in the village. Any form of water stagnation on the roads should be prevented.
1.4 Ensure that rain water drains away from the village by clearing all channels/kalvas for free flow of the water to the nearest kunta or tank.
1.5 After every rain, the Sarpanch and the Panchayat Secretary should visit all wards and check for any stagnant water pools and take measures to drain away the collected water and prevent such stagnation in the future.
1.6 Expeditious completion of household, institutional and community soak pits.
1.7 The measures to prevent stagnant water should cover not only the habitation, but all public institutions of in the village like schools, hospitals, market yards, aangan wadis, etc.
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2.0 Measures for Safe Drinking Water Supply:
Adequate steps to ensure supply of safe drinking water to all the households should be taken. The following measures can be taken;
2.1 The Panchayat Secretary should ensure that residual chlorine levels in the drinking water supply are adequate by testing at least three points - at main supply OHSR / PWS tank, and in any other two prominent places.
2.2 Ensure that all the water supply tanks are cleaned once every ten days on 1 st , 11 th and 21 stday every month.
2.3 Frequently check for and arrest leakages in water pipelines.
2.4 Frequently check for and arrest pit taps to avoid water contamination.
2.5 Esure that Dry Day is followed by all the households on every Friday. On the Dry day, all the water storage utensils/drums, jars pots, buckts and tanks within the households and all water storage units/OHSR should be cleaned, allowed to fully dry and then filled up.
3.0 Measures to prevent breeding of mosquitoes:
All Gram Panchayats should take up antilarval measures in the village to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes.
3.1 Anti larval measures should include overhead tanks, underground storage tanks, cement tanks, metal drums, earthen jars, rain water harvesting tanks and evaporation coolers (Hot and Dry areas) etc.
3.2 Fogging shall be taken up in the village covering all the households.
3.3 Regularly spraying of bytex and spreading oil balls wherever necessary shall be done to prevent breading of mosquito larve.
3.4 Take up awareness in the village about the connection between dry day and mosquito breeding
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4.0 Maintenance of top-class Sanitation in the villaqe: -
4.1 The ongoing sanitation and cleanliness drive taken up under Palle Pragathi should be intensified and deepened to ensure that the entire village is neat and clean at all times. The following should be ensured;
4.2 Segregation at the household level and collection of dry and wet waste and its carting to the segregation shed should be done on a daily basis. Even in those GPs where the Segregation Shed is still under construction, the waste segregation at the household should be done and a temporary site for composting of wet waste should be used.
4.3 Measures shall be taken up to convert the wet garbage in to compost manure by adopting the available methods.
4.4 The sanitary staff of Gram Panchayats shall remove the garbage, jungle heaps and shrubs if any existing in the open areas and ensure cleanness.
4.5 All Public Places like Bus stands, Markets, School Premises, Hospital Premises, Cart Stands, Ration Shop areas shall be sprayed up with disinfectant with freshly prepared 1% Sodium Hypo Chloriteor Phenolic disinfectant at least 4 times a day.
4.6 In the Gram Panchayat offices and public offices, high contact surfaces such as door handles, call buttons, public intercom systems, equipment like telephone, printers, scanners and other office machines should be cleaned twice daily by mopping with a linen/ absorbable cloth soaked in disinfectant. Frequently touched areas like table tops, should be specially cleaned.
5.0 Personal Hygiene:
In view of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, all the public of the Gram Panchayat to be educated on the following measures:
5.1 Maintain personal hygiene by frequently washing hands with soaps and water (for minimum 20 seconds).
5.2 Cover nose and mouth with a mask at all times. Wearing the mask around the neck without covering the nose and mouth is equivalent to not wearing it. Gram Panhayat should levy and collect a fine of Rs 1000/- on every person not wearing a mask in public places and work places.
5.3 Always maintain minimum 6 feet distance from co-workers.
5.4 Strictly follow sneezing and coughing etiquettes.
5.5 If any family members display symptoms of fever, cough and running nose, intimate the concerned Asha worker.
5.6 Avoid close contact with any one showing symptoms of respiratory lines, such as coughing and sneezing.
5.7 To drink boiled and cooled water.
5.8 To plant Krishna Tulasi, Pudina, Citronella grass, lemon grass within the premises of households as anti-mosquito measures.
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3. All the above are only indicative measures and each Gram panchayat should take additional measures to prevent the outbreak of seasonal diseases during the ensuing rainy season.
4. Sufficient funds are available with each Gram Panchayats. Funds are being released every month without fail by Government for this purpose.
5. The District Collectors and District Panchayat Officers will ensure the meticulous implementation of these measures with special focus on SC/ST habitations and evolve a system of management by exception of large, weak and difficult Gram Panchayats that require additional monitoring and supervision. The MPDOs/MPOs should provide leadership to this effort at the mandal level and Collectors should consider to assign large and difficult Gram Panchayats to MPDOs/MPOs.
6. The District Collectors shall review this item on an urgent basis and purchase necessary items like equipment, chemicals on war footing basis.
7. The Commissioner, Panchayat Raj & Rural Employment, Hyderabad shall prescribe a daily online proforma for reporting and shall monitor with districts on daily basis. Commissioner, P.R. & RE is also requested to submit a daily report to Government on these aspects.
The Commissioner, Panchayat Raj & Rural Employment, Hyderabad.
The Commissioner, Panchayat Raj & Rural Development, Hyderabad.
All the District Collectors thro" Commissioner, P.R & RE, Hyderabad.
All the District Panchayat Officers thro" Commissioner, P.R & RE, Hyderabad. The Minister(PR & RD) Sf/sc
Panchayat Raj& Rund Davelopment Department - Reforms in Panhayati Raj Engineering Department - Revision and streamlining of Tender Procedure - Orders- issued
Government have from time to time initiated several reforms in tendering for Public works with a view to bring in simplification of procedures, greater transparency and to ensure better quality of works.
2. Government issued orders in the G.O 2ndread above introducing comprehensive reforms streamlining and standardising the procedures for calling tenders and award of contracts.
3. Government issued ordars in the G.O. 3rd read above, ordering further tender reforms with a view to curb collusion and unfair practicess adopted by the Contractors in the tendering process.
4. Aftar isauance of the aforesaid orders, cornplaints were received by the Government that the Contractors were still indulglng in unfair practices and colluding in filing the tenders. Government, therefore, with a view to take stringent action in such cases, convened a workshop on 10-11-1996, with the representatives of Builders Association, Contractors and Government Officials to elicit their vieves on furthar reforms required to be introduced. The Committee constituted with the represantatives of the Builders Association and Government Officials, after thorough examination of the consensus emerged in the workshop has made certain recommendations to Govemment.
5. Government after carefull consideration of the recommendations of the Cabinet Sub Committee and in partial modifications of the orders issued in G.O.Me.No, 477, PR & RD Department, dt.12-11-1998, issue the following orders in respect of Tender procedures and othar allied matters relating to Panchayati Raj and Rural Development Department to ensure free and fair competition in award of Works and to bring in greatar transparency in tender procedure.
Individual PWS Schemes in a Mandal or Assembly Constituency shall be packaged into viable financial units of say Re.100.00 lakhs and above. The packages shall be tendered and entrusted to experienced Registered contractors on turn key system, i.e. construction, testing, commissioning and maintenance of the scheme for 2 years and all materials like Steel, Cement, Pipes, Pumps, Specials and Motors etc, required for the work shall be procured by the contractors only and department shall not procure any material. Payment shell be made on the basis of finished work.
The maximum ceillng of excess tender percentage shall be 15% instead of 20% allowad earlier. The lower limit and the conditions therefore will be continued. No negotiation will be conducted with the tenderers. Tender received with more than 15% excess shall be summarily rejected.
In order to maintain anonymity, tender schedulls shall be supplied on payment of a cost to any contractor in tendering. The present practice of collecting EMD at the time of sale of Tender Schedules shall be dispensed with. Here after, the Contractors shall pay the EMD at the time of filing their tender documents only. The EMD shall be at the rate of 1% of estimated contract value and it shall be paid in full, wñhout concession, either in the shape of a Bank Demand Draft or unconditional Bank Guarantee.
For the works costing upto Ra.10.00 lakhs. The eligibility criteria i.e., financial and physical shall not be made applicable for these works.
The Contractors will no longer be required from now onwards to produce clearance cartificate from the Mines Department and Seigniorage charges wlll be deducted by th concerned works Departmant from the bills of the Contractors for the materials used on the works.
The Contractors will be allowed the facility of deductton of sales tax at the rate of 2% at source and be exempted from producing the clearance certificate from Commercial Tax Department.
Expert Committees at different levels shall be constituted by Departments to resolve the disputes of the Contractors in so far as technical issues are concerned.
To resolve the problems of the Contractors vis-a-vis the Government, an institutional mechanism will be created at the district leval with the Collector as the Chairman and at the State level the Chief Secretary as Chairman to reviaw periodically and to redress the difficulties of the Contractors.
To enforce quality control standards in execution of the performance of the Contractors and the Engineers incharge of the work shall be graded by Associating professional bodies and suitable incentives / punitive system shall be impliamented on the basis of such grading ard stern action will be taken for defective works against both the Engineers as well as Contractors.
Quality control shall hereafter be the primary responsibility of the Engineers executing the Works.
As a measure to encourage good contractors, the procedure of registration shall be rationalised and made more scientifc by introducing a grading syatem, which will take into account the technical qualification of the contractors, their standing in the civil contract fields, post track record of execution of works, ownership of plant and machinery, financial status and training, and memberships in professional bodies. The contractors with history of litigation will be suitably down graded/ black listed or debarred.
Minor Irrigation works shall be entrusted to Ayacutdar committees as per guidelines issued tn G.O.RT. No. 1863, PR & RD (Prog-I) Department, Dated 23-11-98.
6. In order to avoid ambiguity in implementing tne order, datailed guidelines are formulated in Annexures I and II to this order.
7. The above orders shall come in to force with immediate effect. Howevar these ordars shall ba made applicable only for the tenders invited after isauance of the G.O
8. The Engineer-in-chief, PR Department shall furnish necessary proposals for making suitable amendmants to the G.O. 1st cited.
9. This order isued with the concurrance of Fin Plg(FW.EBS.XV) Department vide their U.0.No 17789/223/EBS.XV/A1/99, dated 23.4.1099.
To, The Engineer-in-Ceief, Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad. All Chief Engineers, Panchayat Raj Engineering Depanment Tha Commissioner, Panchayati Raj& Rural Devalopment All Chief Executive Officers of all Zila Parishads Copy to All Superintending Engineers PR & the State. The Accountant General, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad Finance & Planning (Fin EBS XV} Department. I & CAD department TR &B Department. PR & RD (RWS.II/ Mandal-I) Dept. P.S. to Ministor (PR & RD) P.S. to Principal Secretary to Government, PR & RD P.S. to Principei Secretary to Government,(RD), (PR & RD) S.F.
//Forwarded by Ordar//
Government of Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Department Offlce of tha Engineer-in- Chief (PR) Hyderabad Endt.No.T1/29042/96 dated: 14.05-1999
Communicated in continuation of this office circuar Memo No TI/29042Ø6, dt30-3-99. with a request to follow the Government order scrupulously and communicate this G.O. upto to level of Deputy Executive Engineer(PR) under their jurisdiction.
The standard data which folia basis for preparation of estimates for all Civll Engineering Works shall be updated taking the improved Construction technology in to consideration.
The Chairman, Board of Chief Engineers and Engineer-in-Chief (Admin) I &CAD Department shall complete the updation of standard data with in a period of six months
1.02 Finalisatlon of Standard Schedule of Rates (SSR )
The SSRs shall be finalised bafore June without exception every year. The preparation of SSR shall be made more transparent by associating the representatives of Construction Industry, National Academy of Constructicn and the Institution of Engineers (India) A. P. State Centre, at the time of finalisation. For cities like Hyderabad and Vitakhapatnam. Unit rates will be prepared for various component items.
1.03. Provisons to be made in estimates
In order to prepare realistic estimates, the following provisions are permitted to be addad in the estimate.
Turnover tax at the rate of 1 percent for item relating to canal digging lining, repairing road works etc., where the earth work excavation and embankment is involved and for works other than the above, turnover tax at 3 percent shall be added in the data.
A Lumpsum provision shall be made in the abstract estimate towards works, by obtaining details of Insurance premium from Insurance.
A lumps-um provisions shall be made in abstract estimates to meet tha expenditure to be incurred by the Contractor on engaging Technical Personnel based on number of persons indicated in the tender document and permissible wages as per SSRs.
A lumpsum provisions shall be made in the abstract estimate towards Banker&pos;s charges for obtaining Bank guarantees for payment of E.M.D., performance security and release of retention amount as per prevailing procedure based on the period i.e. period of completion plus defect liability period. The Chief Engineer concerned shall assess duly obtaining the details there of from the Scheduled Banks and suitable provision shall be made.
A provision at 1 percent of the cost of Cement towards construction of temporary store shed shall be added on the data of relavant items.
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1.04 At the time of preparation of estimates, proper care should be taken to provide the lumpsum provisions for the aforesaid items and necessary conditions also should be incorporated in the tender document for euitable reimbursement to the contractors from out of the above provisions, however not exceeding the amounts indicated against each, on production of the Insurance policies, copies of appointment orders with payments vouchers, Bank Guarantee etc. Failing to comply with the above, reimbursement shall not be allowed but suitable penalty shall be imposed for not engaging technical personnel and the Agreement authority shall take Insurance policy at the cost of contractor duly deducting the premium from the contractor’s bills. Contractor has to take policy in favour of the employer i.e. department.
1.05 For earth work excavation & embankment upto 10000 Cum. The manual rate shall be provided and if the quantity exceads 10000 Cum, the machinery rates shall be adopted. However, the contractor will be given an option either for manual or machine operations. For earthwork, quantity upto 10000 Cum, if the contractor executes not with machine operations, the machinery rates will be allowed. Irrespective of the quantities, the following items of works shall be taken up manually.
Stripping where the depth is inadequete for handling with machinary
Excavation of sub-minor and field channels, narrow reaches and formation of Sub-grade base for receiving lining of canals, excavation of rock toe, toe drains, filter drains and building foundations and Pipe line trenches.
2.0. Sanction of Estimates
2.01. Administrative Approval
Administrative approval to the estimates for works costing above Re. 50.00 lakhs or any bridge works or cause way and PWS schemes irreepective of Cost shall be given after fulfillment of following items.
Detailad investigation
Preparation of detailed designs/drawings
2.02 Technlcal sanction
The orders issued in G.0.Ms.No.94, PR & RD (Edit-III) Dapt, dt.8-3-99, are indicated below shall be applicable for according Technical Sanction to estimates.
Upto Rs.2,0D,000/-
Above Ra.2.00 lakhs to Re.10.00 lakhs
Above Rs. 10.00 Lakhs to Rs.50.00 Lakhs
Above Ra. 50.00 Lakhs
The technical sanction shall be limited to the amount of administrative sanction/approval.
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3.00. Preparation of tender documents and finalizatien of tenders
3.01 Tender documents
3.01.1 Tander Notice
The Tender notice or Notice inviting Tenders (NIT) will be approved by the Engineers for the works for which they are competent to accord technical sanction
The Tender documents will be prepared by the concerned Engineers, bringing greater transparency. Tha provisions made in the estimate for items which are reimbursable to the Contractors with conditions there for and other relevant conditions relating to the implementation of contract and other eilgibility criteria on both physical and financial requirements in addition to the conditions not withstandirng any thing contained in tha APSS, APWD code and government orders the following will be incorporated wherever necessary.
3.01.2. The defect liability
The defect liability period is increaeed to two years for the original works and one year for maintenance works, duly taking into account normal wear and tear.
3.01.3 Liquidated damages
The liquidated damages may be imposed on the present practice basing on the milestones.
3.01.4. Seigniorage charges & sales tax.
The seigniorage charges will be recovered from Contractor's bills as per the rates prescribed in the contract documents for the materials used on the work only. The present practice of insisting for production of documentary evidence for the having paid the seigniorage charges in interms of G.O.Ms.No.243 dated 8-5-86 and in the absence of such production of evidence, the imposition of five times penality is dispenced with.
For sales tax/tax on works contract, contractors are given an option to opt for the composing schemes under Section 5(g) of the APGST Act and those opting for it are subject to a tax deduction of 2% at source on the total value of tha contract irrespective of nature of work. In such case, tha departments wlll not insist on production of clearance certificate and no assessement of tax will be neaded. in case of contracts not opted for 2% tax deduction, Tax on works contract (Turn over tax) shall be recovered at the rates indicated in clause 1.03 (a) above.
3.01.5 Payment of bills
The contractors will be permitted to Submit their work bills once in a month and payment will be made after proper check of quantity and quality with in a reasonable time limit.
3.01.6. Quality Control Measures
Emphasis on the quality will be paramount. The concerned Departments are directed to strengthen the quality control mechinery of the Government by keeping a separate Chlef Englnaer for Quality control under the direct control of Government. The Chief Engineer, quality control should see that quality audit is done periodically and also evolve suitable punitive action against Contractors as well as Engineers in Charge of the Work who violate proper quality standards.
3.01.7. Construction matarials
The present practice that the contractor has to procure at his own cost the principal constructton materials like cement, steel, bituman, sand, metal and soils etc. shall continue
The present practice of procuring pipes, specials, valvee, pumps and Motors departmentally for execution of PWS Schemes is dispensed with. The contractors theem selves have to procure these materials with ISI mark where ever preecribed and will be responsible for supply, delivery, testing and commissioning of the scheme on turn key system and maintenance of the scheme for a period of (2) years. For all the materials, pre-delivery quality control inspection shall be done by Quality Control Wing of Panchayati Raj Department or Third party inspection as directed by the Engineer-In-Chief, Panchayat Raj. The inspection charges if done by third party, shall be born by the Contractor.
However, the payments shall be made based on finished work.
3.01.8 Earnest money deposit
In order to maintain the anonymity, Tender Schedules will be supplied on payment of cost to any contractor of eligible class interested in bidding, without insisting for EMD. This is introduced to enable prevention/ reduction of extraneous forcesinterefering or preassurising the contractors to quote or under quote or not to quote at all in the tenders. Hence the practice of collecting EMD in the shape of draft at the rate of 1.50 percent subject to a maximum of Rs.1.00 lakh or Rs.75,000/- from the contractors who have lumpsum deposit with the concerned Chief Engineers ie dispensed with and in lieu thereof. Bank Qugrantee or DD obtained in favour of tha officer as specified in the tendar, at the rate of 1% of the Estimate contract value will be oollected wihout any concession. The balance of EMD at the rate of 1.5% will be collected while concluding the agreement and tho Bank Guarantee shall be unconditional and irrevocable as par the standard format enclosed to the tender document. The contractors who have L.S. Deposit with concerned Chlaf Engineer will be permitted to take back their deposits, subjact to conditions that they are free from all liabilities.
3.01.9 Aplicabltlty of qualification criteria & EMD etc.,
The qualification creteria at para 3.02 aa well as modified procedure of collecting EMD in the shape of Bank Guarantee wilt not be made applicable for the works costing Rs.10 lakhs and below. For thase works costing Rs.10.00 lakhs and bellow single cover system shall be followed and the EMD ahall be submitted along with the completed Tender Schedule.
3.01.10 Subletting
The subletting of the works is strictly prohibited un-officially. In the event it is found that any portion of the work is sublet, action will be taken against the contractor by debarring him from participating in the tander for the period as decided by the Engineer-in-Chief/ Chief Engineer concerned. However, the debarring pariod shall not be less than one year.
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3.02. Qualification criteria
To qualify for award of the Contract, each bidder, in his/ her name should have, during the last five years (specified financial years i.e. they should be immediately preceding the financial year in which tenders are invited)
Satisfactorily completed not less than 90 percent of contract value as a prime contractor and similar works of value not less than Rs. @ (usually not less than 50% of estimated value of contract) in eny one year, during the tast 5 years.
Should hava executed in any one year, the following minimUm quantities of works.
Cement concrete including RCC and PSC
Cu. M
Earth work in both excavation and embankment
Cu. M
Nos and total capacity in liters
Pipeline laying, joiming & testing
Filters Units
a) Rapid Sand Filters
b)Slow Sand Filter
Supply erection and testing of power pumps
(Relevant principle items be indicated)
(Usually 50 percent of the expected peak quantities of construction per year)
Each bidder should further demonstrate
Availability either owned or leased of the followlng key and critical equipment for the work
Road Rollers (8 to 10 T )
Water Tanker
Concrete Mixtures
Pipe Line hydraulic testing equipment
Equipment for BT work with cold Mix
Equipment for BT work with hot mix
Note (Based on the studies carried out by the Engtneer, true minimum suggested major equipment to obtain the completion of works in accordance with the presbribad construction schedule/ a mile stones are shown in the above list)
Availability of the Key personnel with adequate experience as required should be indicated based on the requiremennt for that work to be executed.
Liquid asetts/ credit facilities of not less than Rs.______________lakhs(credit lines letter of ered / solvency certificate from Banks etc., shall be equivevalent of the estimated cash flow for three months in peak
EMD in the shape of Bank Guarantee in the standard format enclosed, for Rs.(one percent of the estimated contract value) to be valid for the period as indicated at para (d) i.e. pariod of completion plus defect liability period.
Experience relating to the works executed in State/ Central Government departments or State/ Central Government undertaktngs shall only be considered.
3.02.3. Bid Capaciy
The sub contactors/ GPA holders experience shall not be taken into account in determining the bidders quallfying criteria. Tenderers who meet the requirement qualification cretaria will be quallfied only if their available bid capacity is more than the estimated contract value. Tha available bid capacity will be caliculated as under.
Assessed available bid capacity: 2AN-B Where A= Maximum value of civil engineering works executed in any one yaer dunng thÄ™ last five years (updated_______________________ price lavel) taking into account the completed as well as works in progress. N= Number of years prescribed for, completion of the works for which tenders are invited. If months are specified they shall be converted in to years B= Value of existing comitment and ongoing works to be completed during the period of completion of works for which tenders are invited
Note:-The statement showing the value of existing commitments and ongoing works as well the stipulated period of completion remaining for each of the works listed should be issued by the Engineer-in-Charge of Government department, not below the rank of Executive Engineer or equivalent and countersigned by Superintending Engineer or equivalent. The statement to the above effect shall be clearly enclosed to the Bidding Document, and the tenderer shall furnish the perticulars invariably in the same format failing which the tender shall be treated as incomplete and summarily be rejected.
@=-----------*price level. Financial turnover and cost of completed works of previous years shall be given weightage of 10 percent year to bring them to......Price level*. *The financial year in which bids are invited.
Even though the tenderer meets the above qualification critaria, he/she is subject be disqualified if he/she is found to have misled or made false representation in the forms, statements submitted in proof of the qualification requirements or records of poor performance such as abandoning works not properly completed in the contract, inordinate delays in completions, litigation history and or financia1 failures and or participated in the previoue tendering for the same works and had quoted unreasonably high bid prices. In addition to the above, even while execution of the work, if found that the Contractor had produced false/ fake certificates of experience, he/she will be blacklisted and work wiil be takan over invoking clauce 60(a) of PS to APSS.
Tenders shall be valid for a period of 1/2/3 months as the case may be. Before the expiry of the validity, the authority competent to call for tenders shall seek for further extension of validity from the contractors and in caae the validity is not extanded his/ her tender will not be considered and the EMD shall be returned. During the period of validity, if any tenderer withdraws his tender, his/ her EMD shall be forfeited.
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4.0. Evaluadon of Tenders
4.01. Receipt of Tenders
The Tender schedules snall be issued upto one day prior to the last day of submission of Tenders. Tho tankers shall be received at the oIace and Lima ae spe‹xfied in the Tender Notice. The contractor shall be allowed to 8ubmit the tender Either personally or through his agent or by post. In case of submission of tender by post the risk and responsibility for either loss or delays in transit of the earns is to be txxne by tie comrector. Tra tendar opening autnorify will not consioer any lender reserved by him after the expiry of date and tima fixed for receipt of tenders.
4.01.1 Tenders will be received in two parts in 2 different sealed covors. Cover-A and Cover-B. The Cover-A shall I contain qualification data Viz., Annual Turnover and value of works under execution etc.. as at para 3.02. The Cover-B will contain the financial bid for the work in question. The Covar-A and Cover-B will be sealed and kept in another sealed envelops (cover-C) supplied by the department while issuing Tender Schedules.
4.01.2. The Executive Engineers and Supertntending Engineers delegated with the power to invite tenders will open and evaluate the tenders as par the qualification Criteria. While opening the Tendars care should be taken to ffrst open Cover-C in the presence of the tenderers or their authorised reprasentatives and other officials concerned on the specified date and time and alao to verify whether the Covar-A and Cover-B are property saeaed and minutes be recorded to this effect then and there only. In case the Cowers A&B or any one of them are found unaealad, such tander will not be opened and summarily rejected.
4 01.3.First Cover (Covar-A) suparacribed as "TECHNICAL BID" containing the qualification data as described at para 3.02 will be opened.
4.01.4. Second Cover (Cover-B), superscribed as "PRICE BID" shall contain the Schedule-A i.e., the statement of description of work, quantity, estimate rate and amount. Price bid (cover-B) of those tenderers who aro determined as qualified as per eligibility criteria will be opened on the date specified in the tender notice and the Cover-B of un-quallfied Tnderer will not be oponed and kept in the safe custody till the tandars are finalised and there aftar shall be returned to them along with E.M.D. The schedule-A of pricc bid shall contain the working items indicated as part—I which are to be executed and L.S. Provisions as Part-II. The premium or discount quoted by the contractor shall be applicable only for part-I. Howevar, the provisions containad in part-II will be operable basing on the conditions provided in the tender schedules. The tenderers wilt have to state clearly their willingness to execute the work at percentage excass or less or at par over the Estimate Contract Value indicated at Part-I at the space provided therein.
4.01.5 Before recommending/ accepting the tender, the tender accepting authorify shall verrfy the corractness of certificates submitted to meet the eliglbility criteria and specifically for experiencc, the authanticated agreements or pravious works executed by the lowest tanderer, shall be called for.
The EMD wfll be returned to the qualified but unsuccessful tenderer either after finalisation of tenders or on expiry of validity of tendee which evor earlior
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4.02. Finalisation of Tenders.
4.02.1. Tenders will be finalised by the departmental officers as indicated below:
Eest.Value of work put to tender ( lakhs)
Powers of acceptance of Tender.
Upto Rs. 2.00
Dy. Executive Enginaer
Below or at Estimate rates
Executive Enginaer
Upto 5% of excess at over Estimate rates
Superintending Engineer
Above 5% upto 10% excess over Estimate rates.
Chief Enginneer / Enigneer-in-Chief
Above 10% upto 15% excess over estimate rates.
Abaove Re. 2.00 to Re. 10.00 lakhs
Executive Enginaer
Upto 5% of excess at over Estimate rates
Superintending Engineer
Above 5% upto 10% excess over Estimate rates.
Chief Enginneer / Enigneer-in-Chief
Above 10% upto 15% excess over estimate rates.
Above Re.10.00 to Re.50.00 lekhs
Superintending Engineer
Upto 10% excess over Estimate rates.
Chief Enginneer / Enigneer-in-Chief
Above 10% upto 15% excess over estimate rates.
Above Rs.50.00 lakhs to Rs. 100.00 lakhs
Chief Enginaer/ Infgineer-in-Chief
Upto 15% of excess at over Estimate rates
Above above 100.00 lakhs
Tender Committee
Upto 15% excess over estimate rates
Note: In case of Mandal Parishad and Gram Panchayat works the Mandal Parihsad Development Officer and Grampanchayats resprectively are empowered to accept tenders on recommendation of above Enginees.
The existing tender committee constituted in G.O.Ms.No.589,PR &RD Dept dated 29.9.89 consisting of the following members shall continue for finalisation of tenders for works coating above Rs. 100.00 lakhs.
Prinñlpal Secretary to Government, Fin & Plg (Fin.Wing) or his nominee
4.02.2 The tendere for the works costing mora than Rs.1.00 crore will be referred to tender committee along with technical bid evaluation and price bid evaluation for consideration. The tender committee shall scrutinise the tendere submitted by Engineer-in-Chief/ Chief Engineer in accordance with tha conditions stipulated in the tender document and in case of any discrepancy or non-adherence to the conditions, the same shall be binding both on the tender deciding authority and the contractor. In case of any ambiguity the decision taken by the tender committee shall be final.
4.02.3. Negotiations are not permitted to be conducted at any level.
4.02.4. The time allowed from the date of publication of tender notices to the date of receipt of tenders is 14 days for the firat call and 7 days for the second call. The tenders will be recieved for works costing above 100.00 lakhs following three box system i.e. at SEs office, Office of the SP of the District where the SEs office located and one in the Office of the CE (concerned) or by post to the SE concerned.
4.02.5. Tender parcentage:
a) Maximum ceiling
The maximum permisible tender excess is reduced from existing 20% to 15% over the estimated contract value in partial modificaion of G.O.Ms.No.477, PR & RD Department, dt.12-11-98 and in case the excess is more than 15% the tenders shall be In sur«meri/y rejected. At the earno lime, lha tenders recalled with the maximum permissible percentage excesa are not necessarily to be accepted, they may be accepted basing on the trend of tenders accepted either in the project or in near vicinity for similar works. In case the trend of tender available relates to considerable time gap, the accepted premium of the tenders be updated with reference to the present prica index and with juatifiabla reasons only the lenders shall ba accopted.
b) Discount tenders (Percentage less than Estimated cost)
Tenders upto15% less than the estimate may be accepted but for tenders which are less by more that 15% of the estimate a bank guaratee or demand draft to the difference between the tendered amount and 85% of the estimate value should be taken at the time of Agreement so that if the tenderer leaves the works midway and the department is forced to call for tenderss for the work once atain, the bank guarantee or demand draft shall be used to inance the retendered work.
4.02.6. The tenders received if found to have abnormally high percentage or within the permissible ceiling limits prescribed but under collusion or due to unethical practices adopted at the time of tendering process shall be rejected.
5.0. Committees to resolve Inter-Departmental problems:
In order to expedite execution of works and to remove any dificulty that contractors may face in obtaining clearances and other infrastructure facilities from various departments such as shifting of power lines, procurement of blasting materials, power supply connection etc athe District level. the Collector will formulate Committees and take necessary steps. The Chief Secretary will have periodical review with the concerned Secretaries and Chief Engineers in order to resolve the difficulties which could not be sorted out at District level. The Heads of the Department are directed to constitute suitable committees at different levels for speedy settlement of the different kinds of or levels of disputes of technical nature by the Chief Engineers concerned.
Contd. Page. 10.
ANNEXURE - II Annexure to G.O.Ma.No.195,PR & RD(Progs-II)Dept. dated 10th May, 1999
Government here by order to introduce an improved system of periodic monitoring and evaluatin of the performance and capabilities of contractors. The contractors who have already rigistered with the competent authorities for corresponding classes will continue to have the registration valid till the period indicated therein. However their class of registration is subject to evaluation of the performance as per the evaluation format appended, based on which they shall either be down graded or upgraded as per the credits obtained in the evaluation.
The evaluation will be done based on the following criteria.
Technical Qualification
Standing in Civil contract field relating to the specialisation for which the contractor submits the particulars either for registration or renewal or upgradation.
Records of execution of works.
Plant end machinery available with the contractor.
Financial status.
Training in National Academy of Construction (NAC)
Membership of BAI or any other professional bodies.
History of litigation.
The basis for the above criteria and procedure to furnish the details required therefore are discussed below
TECHNICAL QUALIFICATONS: Role of technical agents in execution of Civil engineering works is of quite significance more particularly in L.S. contracts. Keeping this in view this criterion is introduced and the credits are indicated for self-qualification of the contractor and quatification and experianca of the employed Engineers by the contractors. In addition suitable credits are alao assigned for the manpower possessed by the contractor who are trained in N.A.C.
STANDING IN CIVIL CONTRACT FIELD:- The experience of the contractor in the clvil contract field is considered as one of the important criterion in as much as the experienced contractor will have greater exposure to the working environment, procedure of execution of public works and also have quality consciousness. Considering the above aspects the total length of experience as well as the experience in the present class of contract are aasigned with suitable credits.
RECORD OF EXECUTION OF WORK: - In addition to the experience in execution of Civil Engineering works a contractor may possess experience in certain specialised fields such as Irrigation works, R&B works, watar supply and sanitary works etc. In casa a contactor files an application for either registration or renewal or upgradation in a particular field of specialisation, his record of execution of works should be assessed. Therefore in this criterion, credits have been assigned for executing similar nature of works during the last 5 years from the yaar in which the files applicatlon so as to evaluate to upto date knowledge of the work culture since the last five years bacause the contractor's registration is valid for a period of 5 years. Similarly credits ara also assigned for having completed the similar nature of works within the agreement period unless and other wise it is extended for the reasons beyond the control of the contractor. However if a contractor completes the works ahead of the agreement period additional waightage will be given by the sutable methodology indicated tharein.
PLANT AND M1CHtNERY:- It is expediant that a contractor should possess necessary plant and machinery of his own that are required to execute the nature of work for which his perfarmance is evaluated, in order to assess his capability of executing the works within the stipulated period. Hence suitable credits have bean aasigeed to this criterion, however the required plant and machlnary will be indicated for the different works by the concerned engineers who evaluate the performance.
FINANCIAL STATUS :- Since the Government have been implementing the works in various public works Department with huge outlays, it is necessary to asaess the financial capability of a contractor to commence the work and continue the work at least for a minimum period of 3 months without waiting for the bills to be paid by the concerned authorlties. The criterion has therefore been given importance and suitable credits are assigned for different components viz. annual average turnover, availability of liquidated assets such as solvancy / overdraft facility and other credit lines etc.
CONTRACTORS TRAINED IN NAC:- In case the contractor himself trained in the Natidnai Academy of Contruction it is expected that he will be able to possaes better skill in execution of work as wel as contract management, hence suitable creidits are assigned to this criterion.
MENBERSHIP IN BAI AND ANY OTHER PROFESSIONAL BODIES:-This critarion would raveal that the contractors access to interact or to have interface wiih differemt professional experts for up-dating his technical skills. Keeping this in view suitabe credits are assigned.
HISTORY LITIGATION:-This criterion is introduced to assesscharacter andd professional ethicsof a contractor. Various items have been identified under this criterion which are assigned suitable for each item. The sum total of credits achieved by a contractor for all the above seven criteria. It is imparative to mention that in case the concealment or misleading/ false information is furnished, the contractor shall face very severe action such as blacklisting or debarring from the contracting field. The contractor shall submit an affidavit to the effect that the history of litigation furnished by him s true and incase it is detected at any stage he will abide by the action taken the Government without approaching to any court whatsoever for redressal. Before taking action against the contractor the engineers will, after through probeand enquiry will give suitable opportunity to the for contractor for offering his explanation and then initiate action against him.
The contractors shall furninsh the informatin for each of the criterion (from i to vii)mentioned above ffollowing the formats supplied to them by the concerned engineers who evaluated their performance however the formats will broadly contain the particulars to be furnihed as stated below.
With regard to qualification, the copies of certifictes issued by the University / College / Polytechnic or any other competant authority shall be submitted.
The copies of registration right from the inception, to date shall be furnished.
Whith regard to ececution of works during the last 5 years the contractor shall produce the copies of the experience certificates issued by the competant authority not below the rank of Executive Engineer and counter-signed by the Superintending Engineer or equivalent indicating description of work, date of agreemnet, agreement value/ Revised agreement value date commencement, agreed date of completion, actual date of completion, total value of work done, reasons for delay if any, the physical quantities executed during each financial year etc.
The copies of the relevant document in prooff of possessing the equipment shall be produced.
The audited balance sheet, income tax returns for the past 5 years shall be submitted along with solvency. overdraft facility etc., in proof of the credit facility available to him.
The compies of certificate issued by the competent authority of NAC.
Copies of Membership of Builders Association or any professional body.
Note The copies of all the certificates documents shall invariabily be attested by a serving Executive Engineer of any works department of Government of Andhra Pradesh. For incorrectness of the copies of certificates / documents when compared with the Originals, action will be taken against E.E who attested the copies and the Contractor.
Contractor’s Qualification BE............3
Employed Engineers.
B.E with 4 years experience... . .......... 2 each
Diploma with 4 years experience 1.5 each
Trained Manpower from NAC Maximum of 1O credits
Experience from the lowest class upto the year of present class Registration (for each year 1 credit) Subject to a maximum of 5
Experience inthe present class from year registration to the present class to the of Evaluation (for each year 4 credits) Subject to maximum of 15.
(during preceding five year)
Similar Nature of works as prime contractor for each Rs. 2.00 cr. (2) credit and additional Rs. 1 cr in that year will fetch(1) credit. Cumulative of all for 5 years
Works completed with agreement period- each work of Rs.1 cr. will be given (1) credit maximuim of 25 credits
Requiring to the work of specialisation.
Annual average-turn over during the preceding preceding five years.
For each Rs.1 crore. 2
For every additional Rs. 1 croree. 1 Subject to a maximum of 25 credits.