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Saturday, October 16, 2021

G.O.Rt.No.189. PR dated 19/05/2021

  Panchayat Raj & rural Development Department - Palle Pragathi — Rainy Season- Comprehensive guidelines for Gram Panchayats on preventing the spread of seasonal, vector and water borne diseases amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic - Orders - Issued.
Dated: 19-05-2020.

O R D E R:-

In view of the ensuing rainy season and the seasonal diseases like gastroenteritis, diarrhoea, dengue, chikungunya, malaria, typhoid and viral fevers amidst the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, there is every need to take utmost care and adequate precautionary and preventive measures to prevent the spreading of these diseases and safeguard public health in the rural areas of the state.

2. The following guidelines are issued to all the Gram Panchayats in the State to take up preventive and precautionary measures to safeguard public health within their jurisdictions.

1.  Measures to prevent stagnant water within the Habitations:
The Sarpanch and the Panchayat Secretary along with the Sanitation Sub-Committee of the Gram Panchayat shall take up a scheduled and structured Padayatra of all the Habitations of the Gram Panchayat to identify those areas where there is a likelihood of the water stagnation/water pools during the ensuing rainy season. The Sarpanch and the Panchayat Secretary shall ensure that immediate and time bound steps are taken to prevent such stagnation. The following areas need to be attended to:
1.1  Desilting of all pucca and kaccha drains before and during the rainy season so as to ensure the free flow of drain water and rain water.
1.2   Ensuring the filling up with good quality "morom" of all low-lying areas to prevent rain water/waste water from gathering and creating water pools.
1.3  Filling up all pot-holes on main roads and path ways in the village. Any form of water stagnation on the roads should be prevented.
1.4  Ensure that rain water drains away from the village by clearing all channels/kalvas for free flow of the water to the nearest kunta or tank.
1.5  After every rain, the Sarpanch and the Panchayat Secretary should visit all wards and check for any stagnant water pools and take measures to drain away the collected water and prevent such stagnation in the future.
1.6  Expeditious completion of household, institutional and community soak pits.
1.7  The measures to prevent stagnant water should cover not only the habitation, but all public institutions of in the village like schools, hospitals, market yards, aangan wadis, etc.
Contd. Page. 2

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Saturday, October 2, 2021



Panchayat Raj& Rund Davelopment Department - Reforms in Panhayati Raj Engineering Department - Revision and streamlining of Tender Procedure - Orders- issued

G.O.Ms.No. 195

Read the following:-

1.  G.O,Mc.No.589, PR & RD (Mandals-I) Dept, dt.20-9-89
2.  G.O.Ms.No.177 to 182, I& CAD (PW:COD) Department, dt.27-9-97
3.  G.O.Ms.No. 477, PR & RD (Proga-II) Dept, dt.12-11-6B
4.  G.O.Ms.No.94, PR & RD (Estt-III) Dept, dÅ‚.B-3-99
5.  G.O.Ms.No.95, PR & RD (Estt-III) Dept, 0I.8-3-90
6.  G.O.Ms.No. 23, I & CAD (PW.COD) Dept, dt.5.3.80
7.  From the Engineer-in-Chief(PR) Letter NO.T1/10744/05, dated 6.4.99

Government have from time to time initiated several reforms in tendering for Public works with a view to bring in simplification of procedures, greater transparency and to ensure better quality of works.

2. Government issued orders in the G.O 2ndread above introducing comprehensive reforms streamlining and standardising the procedures for calling tenders and award of contracts.

3. Government issued ordars in the G.O. 3rd read above, ordering further tender reforms with a view to curb collusion and unfair practicess adopted by the Contractors in the tendering process.

4. Aftar isauance of the aforesaid orders, cornplaints were received by the Government that the Contractors were still indulglng in unfair practices and colluding in filing the tenders. Government, therefore, with a view to take stringent action in such cases, convened a workshop on 10-11-1996, with the representatives of Builders Association, Contractors and Government Officials to elicit their vieves on furthar reforms required to be introduced. The Committee constituted with the represantatives of the Builders Association and Government Officials, after thorough examination of the consensus emerged in the workshop has made certain recommendations to Govemment.

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