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Monday, October 26, 2020

XVth F.C guidelines Mo. RD and Mo.PR Joint letter

Parameswaran lyer
Secretary Government of India
Ministry Of Jal Shakti
Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation
Sunil Kumar
Secretary Government of India
Ministry of Panchayati Raj

No.5-11011!1/2020-SBM-DDWS. dated.17thMarch, 2020

Dear Shri
Subject:Advisory for utilization of 15thFinance Commission grants (RLBs) for provision of drinking water & sanitation services - regarding

As you are aware, availability of assured potable water in adequate quantity and ol' prescribed quality at household level and ilnprovcd sanitation hold the key for a better quality and disease-free life, thus improving socio-economic condition or people. In accordance with the spirit of 73rd Amendment to the Constitution, il is important that Gram Panchayats (GPs) are empowued to manage these services in villages. In this spirit, successive Finance Commissions have given priority to social sectors inter alia water supply and sanitation in the form or State specific grants as well as grants to Panchayats for 'management of water supplyr and sanitation.

2. 15th Finance Commission in its interim leport for the year 2020-21, has identified water supply and sanitation as national priority areas rural local bodies, and accordingly 50% of Rs. 60,750 crore i.e. Rs. 30,375 crore has been allocated as tied-grants to RLBs tbr (a) sanitation and maintenance of open-defecation free (()DF) status; and (b) supply of drinking water, raiu water harvesting and water recycling. PRIS have to earmark one half of these tied grants (Or each of these two components. However, if any (iram Panchayat has tillly saturated the needs of one category, the patticular GP can utili7.e the funds the other category. State-wise aggtegate grants allocated to PRIS by the 15th Finance Commission for 2020-21 is enclosed for ready reference (Annex—I).

3.  During the last five years, huge efforts and investment have been made under Swach/l Bharat Mission (Grameen) (SBM (G)) 10 achieve the Open Defecalion Free (ODE) status in villages. Phase-Il of SBM (G) has been approved with the aim to sustain the ODF outcomes and to cover all villages in the country with Solid and Liquid Waste Management i.e. ODE plus. Sinmilarly. to ensure that every household in rural aleas have piped water supply in adequate quantity and of mescribed quality on long-term basis, Jal Jeevan Mission (LIM) is under implementation in partnership with States. Under -1.1M, concerted efforts are being made to empower Gram Panchayats and/ or its sub-committee to plan, implement, manage, operate and maintain their own water supply system- Under both the schemes, major activities have been identified and illusuative list of such activities are annexed. PRIS can take up additional activities too as per their requirements. It may be noted that PRIS can either perform these activities themselves or engage 'service providers' on agreed terms and conditions to achieve the goals that have been set relating to drinking water supply, water conservation, sanitation, soiid & liquid waste management. Various models or implementation and technology options based on si7.e, population, volume of solid & liquid waste etc. of GPs; cluster of GPs will be indicated in Guidelines to bc issucd Blinking & Saniiaiion. Model Contract Agreements with well deiincd •service level parameters* will also bc prepared and circulated separateiy for adoption by GPs-

4. You are requested 'bring it to the notice of all the PRIS that while utilizing the 15 Finance Commission grants for water and sanitation, priority may be given to cover all the activities identified under JJM and SBM (G) Phase-Il (as per Annex — Il & 111) so as to saturate the needs of drinking water and sanitation facilities in the rural areas ofthe country-

Yours sincerely

Sunil Kumar.               Parameshwaran Iyer
Chief Secretaries
All States/UTs


State-wise aggregate grants allocated to PRIS by the 15th Finance Commission for 2020-21 (Rs. In crore)

S. No. State Name Grants
1. Andhra Pradesh2,625
2. Arunachal Pradesh 231
3. Assam1,604
4. Bihar 5,018
5.Chhattisgarh 1,454
6.Goa 75
7.Gujarat '3,195
8. Haryana 1,264
9. Himachal Pradesh429
10. Jharkhand1,689
11. Karnataka 3,217
12. Kerala 1,628
13. Madhya Pradesh3,984
14. Maharashtra5,827
15. Manipur 177
16. Meghalaya182
17. Mizoram 93
21. Rajasthan3,862
23. Tamil Nadu 3,607
24.Telangana 1,847
25. Tripura 191
26. Uttar Pradesh 9,752
28. West Bengal 4,412
Total 60,750
Rural Local Bodies
Annexure— Il

S. No.Drinking Water related activities
Long-term sustainability of water supply system to provide minimum service level of 55 litre per person per day of potable water on regular basis. Illustrative activities (but not exhaustive) are:
1. Augmentation of existing water source(s) of drinking water viz. bore well recharge, rain water harvesting viz. check dams, rehabilitation of water bodies, watershed and springshed management, etc.
2. Providing water in institutions like schools, Anganwadi centres, Health centres,
3. Retrofitting of existing water supply schemes/ systems to improve service delivery for whole design period
4. Bringing water from nearby surface source, bore well, in-village distribution network, overhead tank (ESR), sump, washing & bathing place for people having small houses, cattle troughs, etc.
5. Grey water treatment and its reuse viz. stabilization pond and associated infrastructure
6. Operation and maintenance of drinking water supply and grey water management systems

Annexure— III

S. No.Sanitation related activities
1.Operation and maintenance of all community assets created for the purpose of sanitation and Solid and Liquid Waste Management viz. Community Managed Sanitation Complex, grey water management system, GOBARDHAN projects, Faecal Sludge Management projects, soak pits, compost pits
2. Collection and transportation of waste from households to village level treatment site and management of compost center.
3. Construction of Community Managed Sanitation Complex as per funding norms of SBM(G) phase-Il guidelines.
4. Construction of community compost pits, community soak pits/ grey water management system as per funding norms of SBM(G) phase-Il guidelines.
5. Transportation of plastic waste from village storage to Plastic Waste Management Unit at Block level (refer to SBM-G phase-Il guidelines)
6. Retrofitting of toilets at community level for group of toilets.
7. Construction of drainage channels
8. Equipment for cleaning the waste management premises and safety gears for workers which may include masks/ gumboots etc.
9. Provision of community level segregation bins at public places (two bins system)
10. Menstrual Waste Management at appropriate place preferable at collection Centre which may include incinerator models approved by CPCB/ SPCB
11. Scaling up of GOBAR-Dhan projects (minimum 10 per Block) as per norms under New National Biogas and Organic Manure Programme (NNBOMP) of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.


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