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Monday, June 8, 2020

Execution of P.R. works with Rice Component

Panchayat Raj &amp Rural Development Department – Reforms in Panchayat Raj – Execution of works tied up with rice component method of entrustment of works – Certain Guidelines –Orders – Issued.
Panchayat Raj &amp Rural Development (PROGS.IA) Department.

Read :
From the Engineer-in-Chief, Panchayat Raj, Hyderabad, Letter No.T1/18233/75, dt.12.01.2005.

O R D E R:

Government have from time to time initiated several reforms in tendering for public works with a view to bring in simplication of procedure, greater transparency and to ensure better quality of works. Government have introduced comprehensive reforms streamlining and standardizing the procedures for calling tenders and award of contracts.

2. Government have issued detailed guidelines for implementation of Food for Work Programme. The Food for Work programme should be implemented by all departments of the Government/ agencies/ Corporations/Self Help Groups, Habitation Committees, Panchayat Raj Institutions, Market Committees. Works may also be entrusted to NGOs, Voluntary agencies on the Certification that the works taken up by such agency for creation of community assets. Works shall not be let out on nomination. However, execution of works may be entrusted to self Help Group, School Education Committee, Gram Panchayats, Rytu Mitra-farmers club. Whenever watershed/VSS/Water User Committees are not constituted formally, the works can be executed by the User Groups consisting of stake holders for a given work/structure.

3. Guidelines were also issued under Sampoorna Grameena Rozgar Yozana (SGRY) (Special Component), for entrustment of works in each Gram Panchayat for execution of works duly constituting a Committee with certain representatives.

4. The Engineer-in-Chief, Panchayat Raj, Hyderabad in the letter read above has stated that the contractors/middlemen have been avoided in execution of works which are tied with rice component, keeping in view the above Guidelines. The works which are tied up with rice components are being taken up only to provide relief to the people suffering from drought and natural calamity. Such works need to be grounded and completed immediately by entrusting to the Local bodies/User Groups instead of following normal procedures like tender procedures, which takes time and also allows the contractors and middlemen. Hence, he requested the Government to issue orders for permission to entrust those works to the User Groups which consist rice components and meant to provide relief, like Cement Roads and other works taken up with rice component, costing up to Rs.10.00 lakhs by applying the principle followed earlier under various schemes.

5. Government have examined the proposals and observed that the execution of certain other works in the villages under different programmes like the FFW, National Food for Work, Indira Prabha, etc., where it is contemplated to generate employment within the villages giving opportunity to the local people through the Committees to plan, execute and monitor the works as per the budget allocations to these villages in order to ensure better quality in execution and subsequent maintenance, transparency, accountability and responsibility. The difference being that in those schemes the works to be taken up were fully manual jobs whereas in this proposal it is a combination due to the permanent nature of infrastructure to be created. By entrusting the works to the village committees, it is expected to result in better quality of execution and subsequent maintenance due to the feeling of ownership of the infrastructure created by the villagers. This will be more in nature of a precursor to the decision of the Government for devolution of the powers to the Panchayat Raj Institutions.

6. Government hereby decide to entrust the works, with an upper limit of Rs. 5.00 lakhs (Rupees Five lakhs only) to Works Committee/Self Help Groups at the Village Level and the nominee of the Committee or Group Leader be enter into agreement with the executing Agency with the following Guide Lines:

  1. The works shall be entrusted to Habitation Level Committee (HCL) / Habitation Works Committee / Village Level Committee etc., as was done in earlier Janmabhoomi Programme and Food For Work Programme.
  2. The concerned Gram Panchayat will resolve and from the above Committee (HWC) for execution of works dovetailed with rice in that Gram Panchayat.
  3. Works committee will be formed by Gram Panchayat with Sarpanch as Chairman amd MPTC members, Gram Panchayat members, Self Help Group leader will be the members of the Committee. Due representation to SC/ST members may be considered. Village Secretary to be the Convenor of Works Committee.
  4. The HCL/HWC/VLC shall comprise of people pertaining to the Gram Panchayat only like VSS Chairman, MPTC, VEC, elderly persons with works knowledge DWCRA Group of Women etc., and authorize one person of the said committee, designated as Chairman/President of the Habitation Works Committee to execute the works dovetailed with rice.
  5. The President of the HWC and the nominee of Committee or Group Leader will perform all the Departmental legal formalities on behalf of the committee like entering into agreement drawing the bills, etc.,
  6. In case any Gram Panchayat fails to constitute the above said Committee due to various reasons, with in a time frame fixed by the concerned MPDO / DLPO then the MPDO concerned to the Gram Panchayat will constitute the HWC in the interest of development in that village.
  7. Durable assets which are useful for community shall be taken up.
  8. Under no circumstances, the works shall be grounded prior to issue of Administrative clearance.
  9. Only workers from the same village shall be engaged.
  10. Current SSR rates or prevailing local rates, which are less, shall be adopted.
  11. Measurements and Check Measurements shall be organized by Secretary, Gram Panchayat.
  12. Minimum three Gram Sabhas shall be conducted. First one before grounding the works for planning and execution. Second Sabha during the progress of the work to have interim review. Finally after completion of the work for finalizing accounts.
  13. Village Secretary shall maintain all records, such as minutes of meeting including attendance, measurement books, rice distribution registers and wage seekers / unemployed labour register, etc.,
  14. As far as possible, locally available good material shall be considered for execution.
  15. Quality Control Checks shall be conducted by Engineering Officers. Village Secretary shall organize such events.
  16. All the major event shall be documented. Photographs of works/sites shall be taken before start / during execution / after completion of the work and Photographs of Gram Sabhas (preferably with digital photographs).

7. All the District Collectors are directed to make available proportionate quantity of rice at the nearest distribution point for the works sanctioned and ensure its proper distribution as per the progress of the work.

8. The Engineer-in-Chief, Panchayat Raj, Hyderabad, shall take necessary action, in the matter, accordingly.

The Engineer-in-Chief, Panchayat Raj, Hyderabad.
All the District Collectors.
All Chief Engineers, Panchayat Raj, Hyderabad.
The Commissioner, Panchayat Raj &amp Rural Development, HYDERABAD.
All the Chief Executive Officers of Zilla Parishads.
The Revenue (Relief) Department.
Copy to:
All Superintending Engineers/ Executive Engineers, PR in the State.
The Accountant-General, Andhra Pradesh, HYDERABAD.
The Finance &amp Planning (FW) Department.
The I &amp CAD Department.
The TR&amB Department.
The PR &amp RD (PROGRAMMES.I/MANDALS) Department. The PS to M (Panchayat Raj) The PS to Commissioner &amp Ex-Officio Prl. Secretary to Govt. (Revenue)
The Special Secretary to Chief Minister.
The PS to Principal Secretary to Government. (PR&amp RD)
The CIO., Panchayat Raj &amp Rural Development Department.


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