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Monday, June 8, 2020

Execution of P.R. works with Rice Component

Panchayat Raj &amp Rural Development Department – Reforms in Panchayat Raj – Execution of works tied up with rice component method of entrustment of works – Certain Guidelines –Orders – Issued.
Panchayat Raj &amp Rural Development (PROGS.IA) Department.

Read :
From the Engineer-in-Chief, Panchayat Raj, Hyderabad, Letter No.T1/18233/75, dt.12.01.2005.

O R D E R:

Government have from time to time initiated several reforms in tendering for public works with a view to bring in simplication of procedure, greater transparency and to ensure better quality of works. Government have introduced comprehensive reforms streamlining and standardizing the procedures for calling tenders and award of contracts.

2. Government have issued detailed guidelines for implementation of Food for Work Programme. The Food for Work programme should be implemented by all departments of the Government/ agencies/ Corporations/Self Help Groups, Habitation Committees, Panchayat Raj Institutions, Market Committees. Works may also be entrusted to NGOs, Voluntary agencies on the Certification that the works taken up by such agency for creation of community assets. Works shall not be let out on nomination. However, execution of works may be entrusted to self Help Group, School Education Committee, Gram Panchayats, Rytu Mitra-farmers club. Whenever watershed/VSS/Water User Committees are not constituted formally, the works can be executed by the User Groups consisting of stake holders for a given work/structure.

3. Guidelines were also issued under Sampoorna Grameena Rozgar Yozana (SGRY) (Special Component), for entrustment of works in each Gram Panchayat for execution of works duly constituting a Committee with certain representatives.

4. The Engineer-in-Chief, Panchayat Raj, Hyderabad in the letter read above has stated that the contractors/middlemen have been avoided in execution of works which are tied with rice component, keeping in view the above Guidelines. The works which are tied up with rice components are being taken up only to provide relief to the people suffering from drought and natural calamity. Such works need to be grounded and completed immediately by entrusting to the Local bodies/User Groups instead of following normal procedures like tender procedures, which takes time and also allows the contractors and middlemen. Hence, he requested the Government to issue orders for permission to entrust those works to the User Groups which consist rice components and meant to provide relief, like Cement Roads and other works taken up with rice component, costing up to Rs.10.00 lakhs by applying the principle followed earlier under various schemes.

5. Government have examined the proposals and observed that the execution of certain other works in the villages under different programmes like the FFW, National Food for Work, Indira Prabha, etc., where it is contemplated to generate employment within the villages giving opportunity to the local people through the Committees to plan, execute and monitor the works as per the budget allocations to these villages in order to ensure better quality in execution and subsequent maintenance, transparency, accountability and responsibility. The difference being that in those schemes the works to be taken up were fully manual jobs whereas in this proposal it is a combination due to the permanent nature of infrastructure to be created. By entrusting the works to the village committees, it is expected to result in better quality of execution and subsequent maintenance due to the feeling of ownership of the infrastructure created by the villagers. This will be more in nature of a precursor to the decision of the Government for devolution of the powers to the Panchayat Raj Institutions.

6. Government hereby decide to entrust the works, with an upper limit of Rs. 5.00 lakhs (Rupees Five lakhs only) to Works Committee/Self Help Groups at the Village Level and the nominee of the Committee or Group Leader be enter into agreement with the executing Agency with the following Guide Lines:

  1. The works shall be entrusted to Habitation Level Committee (HCL) / Habitation Works Committee / Village Level Committee etc., as was done in earlier Janmabhoomi Programme and Food For Work Programme.
  2. The concerned Gram Panchayat will resolve and from the above Committee (HWC) for execution of works dovetailed with rice in that Gram Panchayat.
  3. Works committee will be formed by Gram Panchayat with Sarpanch as Chairman amd MPTC members, Gram Panchayat members, Self Help Group leader will be the members of the Committee. Due representation to SC/ST members may be considered. Village Secretary to be the Convenor of Works Committee.
  4. The HCL/HWC/VLC shall comprise of people pertaining to the Gram Panchayat only like VSS Chairman, MPTC, VEC, elderly persons with works knowledge DWCRA Group of Women etc., and authorize one person of the said committee, designated as Chairman/President of the Habitation Works Committee to execute the works dovetailed with rice.
  5. The President of the HWC and the nominee of Committee or Group Leader will perform all the Departmental legal formalities on behalf of the committee like entering into agreement drawing the bills, etc.,
  6. In case any Gram Panchayat fails to constitute the above said Committee due to various reasons, with in a time frame fixed by the concerned MPDO / DLPO then the MPDO concerned to the Gram Panchayat will constitute the HWC in the interest of development in that village.
  7. Durable assets which are useful for community shall be taken up.
  8. Under no circumstances, the works shall be grounded prior to issue of Administrative clearance.
  9. Only workers from the same village shall be engaged.
  10. Current SSR rates or prevailing local rates, which are less, shall be adopted.
  11. Measurements and Check Measurements shall be organized by Secretary, Gram Panchayat.
  12. Minimum three Gram Sabhas shall be conducted. First one before grounding the works for planning and execution. Second Sabha during the progress of the work to have interim review. Finally after completion of the work for finalizing accounts.
  13. Village Secretary shall maintain all records, such as minutes of meeting including attendance, measurement books, rice distribution registers and wage seekers / unemployed labour register, etc.,
  14. As far as possible, locally available good material shall be considered for execution.
  15. Quality Control Checks shall be conducted by Engineering Officers. Village Secretary shall organize such events.
  16. All the major event shall be documented. Photographs of works/sites shall be taken before start / during execution / after completion of the work and Photographs of Gram Sabhas (preferably with digital photographs).

7. All the District Collectors are directed to make available proportionate quantity of rice at the nearest distribution point for the works sanctioned and ensure its proper distribution as per the progress of the work.

8. The Engineer-in-Chief, Panchayat Raj, Hyderabad, shall take necessary action, in the matter, accordingly.

The Engineer-in-Chief, Panchayat Raj, Hyderabad.
All the District Collectors.
All Chief Engineers, Panchayat Raj, Hyderabad.
The Commissioner, Panchayat Raj &amp Rural Development, HYDERABAD.
All the Chief Executive Officers of Zilla Parishads.
The Revenue (Relief) Department.
Copy to:
All Superintending Engineers/ Executive Engineers, PR in the State.
The Accountant-General, Andhra Pradesh, HYDERABAD.
The Finance &amp Planning (FW) Department.
The I &amp CAD Department.
The TR&amB Department.
The PR &amp RD (PROGRAMMES.I/MANDALS) Department. The PS to M (Panchayat Raj) The PS to Commissioner &amp Ex-Officio Prl. Secretary to Govt. (Revenue)
The Special Secretary to Chief Minister.
The PS to Principal Secretary to Government. (PR&amp RD)
The CIO., Panchayat Raj &amp Rural Development Department.


XVth Finance commission - Local Governments

(15thFinance Commission Report for the yer 2020-2021)

  1. It is mandatory to the President of India to constitute Central finance Commission for every five years to sugest suitable formula for devolving the funds to the states, out of the taxes collected by Central Government, as per the Article of 280 of the Indian Constitution.
  2. From the Xth Finance Commission due to of 73rd ammendment to the Constitution the Local Governments such as Zilla Panchayats and Block Panchayats(in Telugu states these are being called as Mandal) ang Village Panchayats ie,. Grampanchayat are got Constitutaion Right to get devolved funds from the Centeral Government.
  3. Fifteenth Finance Commission (FC-XV) was constituted by the President of India, on 27 November 2017 to make recommendations for a period of five years commencing 1 April 2020.
  4. Commission has taken Population figures of 2011 as cretaria for distribution funds.
  5. Due to economic sluggishness, formation of new union Territories and other uncertain conditions in prevaling in the country, the Commission felt that it is better to submit report for one year 2020-2021, there fore out of five years starting from 2020-2021 devolution funds report for year 2020-2021 has sumitted on 5th december,2019.
  6. To subsidize the aprehension due to use of 2011 population figures, the Commission has taken Total fertility rate as cretaria as measurre of demographic performance.
  7. The Commission intended to balance the principle of equity and performance for determining the cretarias for horizontal sharing. 2nd principle is broad need for stability and predictablity in devolution of funds.
  8. To achieve the above objectives, critaria and weights for deciding the horizontal sharing of taxes is showno below.
  9. The Commission has to decide for boath vertical and horizontal percentage at which the funds to be devolved from the taxes to the state by taking into consideration following parameters
  10. The Fifteenth Finance Commission inclined to fallow the 14th Commission recommendation with regards to verticle Devolution for the year 2020-2021 olny
  11. Article 280 (a) and (b) of the Constitution, read along with Section 6 of the Jammu & Kashmir Reorganisation Act puts the newly-created UTs of Ladakh and Jammu and Kashmir outside the purview of the Finance Commission's award. Since UTs are the responsibilities of the Union, they are within the purview of the Union budget. Thus the Commission notionally estimated that the share of the erstwhile State of Jammu & Kashmir would have come to around 0.85 per cent of the divisible pool.
  12. Therefoe the Commission has decided to increase ratio to one percent to Jammu & Kashmir of the divisible pool in order to meet the security and other special needs of the Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh by reducing the states divisible pool to 41 percent.
  13. The total size of award for the year 2020 to 2021 is Rs.90,000 crores.
  14. The XVth Commiss has recommended share for Rural and Urban Lolcabodies is 67.5 and 32.5 respectively
  15. Therefore the share of Rural local bodies will be Rs.60,750 and Urban Local bodies share comes to Rs.29,250 crores

FC-XIV, had expressed the view that though the use of dated population data is unfair, it is bound by its ToR

Gross domestic product at current prices, or nominal GDP, forms basis for important ratios of the Union Government. the Union budget for the year 2019-2020 increased 11% over 2018-19. Therefore the Commission has assessed nominal GDP growth 10% in 2019-2020. Thus the committee expected nominal GDP is projected to grow at 11% in 2020-2021.

States' Share in Divisible Pool (in per cent)

Vertical divisible pool FC-XI
States' share in divisible pool 29.5 30.5 32.0 42.0 41.0

Criteria and Weights Assigned for Horizontal Devolution

The Commission has decided (6) critareas for Horizontal devolution of funds among the sates in maintaing equity. The critereas details are shown in below table

Criteria Weight(%)
Population 15.0
Area 15.0
Forest and Ecology 10.0
Income Distance 45.0
Demographic Performance 12.5
Tax Effort 2.5
Total 100.0

Population of the states and interse percentage

ToR specifies that the Commission shall use the population data of 2011 while making recommendations.

Accordingly 2011 poplation for arriving the Inter se percentage of all the states have been taken.

State 2011 Population (in million) Inter se percentage
Andhra Pradesh 49.577103 4.21
Arunachal Pradesh 1.383727 0.12
Assam 31.205576 2.65
Bihar 104.099452 8.84
Chhattisgarh 25.545198 2.17
Goa 1.458545 0.12
Gujarat 60.439692 5.13
Haryana 25.351462 2.15
Himachal Pradesh 6.864602 0.58
Jharkhand 32.988134 2.80
Karnataka 61.095297 5.19
Kerala 33.406061 2.84
Madhya Pradesh 72.626809 6.16
Maharashtra 112.374333 9.54
Manipur 2.855794 0.24
Meghalaya 2.966889 0.25
Mizoram 1.097206 0.09
Nagaland 1.978502 0.17
Odisha 41.974218 3.56
Panjab 27.743338 2.35
Rajasthan 68.548437 5.82
Sikkim 0.610577 0.05
TamilNadu 72.14703 6.12
Telangana 35.003674 2.97
Tripura 3.673917 0.31
Uttar Pradesh 199.812341 16.96
Uttarakhand 10.086292 0.86
West Bengal 91.276115 7.75
Total of all States 1178.190321 100.00

Area Interse

Thoght the smaller states like Goa,Meghalaya, Nagaland and others are having small area, their interse share becomes leass than 2 percent have been assigned and adjusted inter se percentage to 2 percentage as the smaller states have to incure on security and on other imortant matters alongwith other state.

Adjusted Inter se share table

State Category Area('000 sq km) Area-Interse share(%) Adjusted Area-Interse share(%)
Andhra Pradesh 162.923 5.334 4.572
Arunachal Pradesh 83.743 2.742 2.350
Assam 78.438 2.568 2.201
Bihar 94.163 3.083 2.643
Chhattisgarh 135.192 4.426 3.794
Goa Small 3.702 0.121 2.000
Gujarat 196.244 6.425 5.508
Haryana Small 44.212 1.448 2.000
Himachal Pradesh Small 55.673 1.823 2.000
Jharkhand 79.716 2.610 2.237
Kamataka 191.791 6.279 5.383
Kerala Small 38.852 1.272 2.000
Madhya Pradesh 308.252 10.093 8.651
Maharashtra 307.713 10.075 8.636
Manipur Small 22.327 0.731 2.000
Meghalaya Small 22.429 0.734 2.000
Mizoram Small 21.081 0.690 2.000
Nagaland Small 16.579 0.543 2.000
Odisha 155.707 5.098 4.370
Punjab Small 50.362 1.649 2.000
Rajasthan 342.239 11.205 9.605
Sikkim Small 7.096 0.232 2.000
Tamil Nadu 130.060 4.258 3.650
Telangana 112.122 3.671 3.147
Tripura Small 10.486 0.343 2.000
Uttar Pradesh 240.928 7.888 6.762
Uttarakhand Small 53.483 1.751 2.000
West Bengal 88.752 2.906 2.491
All States 3054.265 100.000 100.000

Forest and Ecology

To improve the forest (green) coverage across the country and to encurage the state to improve ecology balance, the Comission has recommended weightage as foresaid.To arrive the states share in ecology(forest coverage) of states area of Moderately Dense and Very dense area coverage with that of Country i.e., Total Forest coverage of all states.

Interse share of states in Forest and Ecology table

State Geographic Area (Sq.Km) Very Dense forest (VD) Moderately Dense forest (MD) Open Forest (OF) Dense forest (VD+MD) Forest and Ecology inter se share (FCi)(%)
Andhra Pradesh 16293 1957 14051 12139 16008 4.134
Arunachal Pradesh 83743 20721 30955 15288 51676 13.344
Assam 78438 2797 1012 15116 12989 3.354
Bihar 94163 332 3260 3707 3592 0.928
Chhattisgarh 135192 7064 32215 16268 39279 10.143
Goa 3702 538 576 1115 1114 0.288
Gujarat 196244 378 5200 9179 5578 1.440
Haryana 44212 28 452 1108 480 0.124
Himachal Pradesh 55673 3110 6705 5285 9815 2.534
Jharkhand 7916 2598 9686 11269 12284 3.172
Karnataka 191791 4502 20444 12604 24946 6.442
Keral 38852 1663 9407 9251 11070 2.859
Madhya Pradesh 308252 6563 34571 36280 41134 10.622
Maharashtra 307713 8736 20652 21294 29388 7.589
Manipur 22327 908 6510 9928 7418 1.916
Meghalaya 22429 453 9386 7307 9839 2.541
Mizoram 21081 131 5861 12194 5992 1.547
Nagaland 16579 1279 4587 6623 5866 1.515
Odisha 155707 6967 2137 23008 28337 7.317
Punjab 50362 8 806 1023 814 0.210
Rajasthan 342239 78 4340 12154 4418 1.141
Sikkim 7096 1081 1575 688 2656 0.686
Tamil Nadu 130060 3672 10979 11630 14651 3.783
Telangana 112122 1596 8738 10085 10334 2.668
Tripura 10486 656 5246 1824 5902 1.524
Uttar Pradesh 240928 2617 4069 7993 6686 1.726
Uttarakhand 5383 4969 12884 6442 17853 4.610
West Bengal 88752 2994 4147 9706 7141 1.844
All States 3054265 88396 298864 290508 387260 100.00

Income distance criterion with a weight of 45 per cent.

Income distance has been calculated using following methodology:

Three-years average (for the years from 2015-16 to 2017-18) per capita comparable GSDP has been taken for all the States. Income distance has to be computed by taking the distance from the State having the highest per capita GSDP. In this case, Goa has highest per capita GSDP followed by Sikkim. Since they are very small and Atypical States, to avoid distortions, the State with the third highest per capita GSDP Haryana state has been taken as the benchmark to avoid distortions. Distance of three year average per capita GSDP of each State from Haryana's per capita GSDP has been taken to calculate the Income distance of other states.

To get the share of distance income of states at the first instance deduct average GSDP of state from the from the bench mark state average GSDP. The sum arrived against each state shall be distance of income from highest income state. Multiply the Income Distance, with state's 2011 paopulation. The remainder shall be devided with Total all States Income distance and multiply with 100 to get percentage of state Share thourgh income distance.

Example: Telangana

1st step Haryana average GSDP(204216) (-) Telangan Average GSDP(176270) Adjusted Distanace(27947)
2nd Step Adjusted Distance (D) 27947 (X) 2011 State Population (35.003674) D*popu (978247.68)
3rd Step D*popu (978247.68) (/) Total of all states (106603413) (D*pop)*100 Interse share of State(0.918)

Income distance critaria Table

State Copmarable GSDP ( Crore) Estimated Population Percapita GSDP (Rs) Rank Adjusted Distance(D) D*Pop 2011 Interse share (%)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Average
Andhra Pradesh 591670 686562 783192 5044600 50743000 51041000 117288 135302 153444 135344 14 68871 3414439 3.203
Arunachal Pradesh 18506 19625 22017 1516000 1547000 1579000 122074 126859 139437 129457 15 74759 103446 0.097
Assam 228508 248959 282440 33101000 33529000 33905000 69034 74252 83303 75530 24 128686 4015725 3.767
Bihar 369771 417155 477669 111867000 113638000 115437037 33055 36709 41379 37048 28 167168 17402112 16.324
Chhattisgar 217172 261006 287843 27490000 27933000 28384000 79000 93440 101410 91284 19 112932 2884874 2.706
Goa 55050 64418 70254 1505000 1516000 1526000 365784 424922 460383 417030 1 17543 25587 0.024
Gujarat 1003904 1089874 1203058 64199000 65049000 65911000 156374 167547 182528 168816 11 35400 2139550 2.007
Haryana 489991 553192 638852 27040000 27423000 27811000 181210 201725 229712 204216 3 17543 444738 0.417
Himachal Pradesh 125823 131803 146305 7147000 7210000 7273000 176050 182806 201162 186673 4 17543 120425 0.113
Jharkhand 206613 236250 276111 35538000 36121000 36712000 58139 65405 75210 66251 26 137965 4551193 4.269
Karnataka 1045183 1209146 1350268 64201000 64900000 65606000 162798 186309 205815 184974 5 19242 1175574 1.103
Kerala 561491 634571 699079 34152500 34322100 34493200 164407 184887 202672 183989 6 20227 675710 0.634
Madhya Pradesh 533921 612729 694546 77641000 78780000 79936000 68768 77777 86888 77811 23 126405 9180378 8.612
Maharashtra 1943041 2163633 2380798 118642000 12055000 121485000 163773 180220 195975 179989 8 24226 2722419 2.554
Manipur 20646 22824 25821 3154900 3223900 3294300 65442 70795 78380 71539 25 132677 378925 0.355
Meghalaya 24340 26473 29785 3271000 3341000 3413000 74411 79235 87269 80305 22 123911 367630 0.345
Mizoram 15197 16595 18866 1192000 1214000 1236000 127493 136697 152638 138943 13 65273 71618 0.067
Nagaland 19500 21708 24534 2077000 2077000 2099000 93883 104518 116886 105096 16 99120 196109 0.184
Odisha 325595 389249 436390 43963000 44410000 44861000 74061 87649 97276 86329 21 117887 4948216 4.642
Punjab 390568 422157 479058 29447900 29833500 30224100 132630 141504 158502 144212 12 60004 1664701 1.562
Rajasthan 680727 751027 831665 73204000 74260000 75333000 92990 101135 110399 101508 17 102708 7040461 6.604
Sikkim 18128 20840 24544 640000 647000 653000 283250 322100 375868 327073 2 17543 10711 0.01
Tamil Nadu 1183220 1308573 1467650 75269000 75968000 76673000 157199 172253 191417 173623 10 30593 2207180 2.07
Telangana 584993 651651 748232 37134000 37505000 37881000 157536 173751 197522 176269 9 27947 978230 0.918
Tripura 35319 38754 43639 3881000 3927000 3875000 91006 98687 109785 99826 18 104390 383519 0.36
Uttar Pradesh 1147695 1290777 1451557 214225000 217505000 220836000 53574 59345 65730 59550 27 144666 28906065 27.116
Uttarakhand 176809 194173 222100 10724000 10869000 11016000 164872 178648 201616 181712 7 22504 226980 0.213
West Bengal 795450 869110 960730 95535000 96491000 97456000 83263 90072 98581 90638 20 113577 10366897 9.725
All States 12808830 14352836 16077006 1248203300 1264037500 1280049637 102618 113548 125597 113921 106603413 100

Demographic Performance

While taking the 2011 census population one of critera for horizontal devolution, the commission thought that to justify equity in distribution of grants on 2011 population, and decided to set a criterea Fertility Rate of the states from the year 1971 and those states are having lower Fertility Rate shall be given highest rank to devolve the grants in equity mode. There fore the Commission adopted following method to arive Demographic Performance of the states.

Demographic performance table

State Populaion Demographic Performance
Population in million (Census 2011) Interse Share Population 2011(%) Population in million (Census 1971) T.F.R.(Census 2011) Reciprocal of TFR(f) f* Popu(Census 1971) Interse share(%)
Andhra Pradesh 49.577103 4.208 27.685000 1.60 0.63 17.303 6.635
Arunachal Pradesh 1.383727 0.117 0.467511 2.24 0.45 0.209 0.080
Assam 31.205576 2.649 14.625152 2.16 0.46 6.770 2.596
Bihar 104.099452 8.836 42.126236 2.93 0.34 14.358 5.513
Chhattisgarh 25.545198 2.168 11.637494 2.43 0.41 4.785 1.836
Goa 1.458545 0.124 0.795120 1.56 0.64 0.510 0.195
Gujarat 60.439692 5.130 26.697475 2.03 0.49 13.182 5.043
Haryana 25.351462 2.152 10.036431 2.32 0.43 4.331 1.659
Himachal Pradesh 6.864602 0.583 3.460434 1.74 0.57 1.989 0.763
Jharkhand 32.988134 2.800 14.227133 2.61 0.38 5.443 2.090
Karnataka 61.095297 5.186 29.299014 1.81 0.55 16.195 6.207
Kerala 33.406061 2.835 21.347375 1.79 0.56 11.957 4.573
Madhya Pradesh 72.626809 6.164 30.016625 2.63 0.38 11.432 4.376
Maharashtra 112.374333 9.538 50.412235 1.91 0.52 26.388 10.120
Manipur 2.855794 0.242 1.072753 1.86 0.54 0.577 0.221
Meghalaya 2.966889 0.252 1.011699 3.63 0.28 0.279 0.107
Mizoram 1.097206 0.093 0.332390 2.56 0.39 0.130 0.050
Nagaland 1.978502 0.168 0.516449 2.08 0.48 0.248 0.095
Odisha 41.974218 3.563 21.944615 1.98 0.51 11.102 4.250
Panjab 27.743338 2.355 13.551060 1.86 0.54 7.280 2.793
Rajasthan 68.548437 5.818 25.765806 2.80 0.36 9.192 3.528
Sikkim 0.610577 0.052 0.209843 1.44 0.69 0.146 0.056
TamilNadu 72.147030 6.124 41.199168 1.58 0.63 26.003 9.998
Telangana 35.003674 2.971 15.818000 1.67 0.60 19.472 3.632
Tripura 3.673917 0.312 1.556342 1.73 0.58 0.898 0.345
Uttar Pradesh 199.812341 16.959 83.848797 2.61 0.38 32.157 12.318
Uttarakhand 10.086292 0.856 4.492724 2.13 0.47 2.114 0.809
West Bengal 91.276115 7.747 44.312011 1.68 0.60 26.412 10.113
All States 1178.192467 100 538.464892 2.17 260.861 100

Interse share of the states tax efforts

To arrive Tax Effort share of the State, in the first instance, devide the three years percapita average own revenue of the state, with three years average percapita GSDP and then multiple with 100. Then mulitiple the remainder with 2011 population and devide the remainder with one hundred to get percentage(Ratio of tax effort).Total tax effort of states is 76%.To get the interse share in tax efforts, devide the ratio of tax effort of each state with total tax effort of all state and multiple with 100.

State Percapita Own Revenue (Rs.) Percapita GSDP (Rs.) Tax/GSDP (t)(%) Pop 2011(P)(in million) Tax*Population Interse share (%)
2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Average 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Average
Andhra Pradesh 7416 7911 8707 8011 103293 117288 135302 118628 6.75 49.58 3.348 4.393
Arunachal Pradesh 3108 3529 4581 3740 120098 122074 126859 123010 3.04 1.38 0.042 0.055
Assam 2892 3053 3603 3183 58388 69034 74252 67225 4.73 31.21 1.477 1.938
Bihar 1884 2275 2089 2083 30802 33055 36709 33522 6.21 104.1 6.468 8.486
Chhattisgarh 5806 6211 6782 6267 81661 79000 93440 84700 7.4 25.55 1.89 2.480
Goa 26060 26414 28108 26861 319755 365784 424922 370154 7.26 1.46 0.106 0.139
Gujarat 9681 9759 9907 9782 141484 156374 167537 155135 6.31 60.44 3.811 5.000
Haryana 10365 11438 12408 11404 162373 181210 201725 181770 6.27 25.35 1.59 2.087
Himachal Pradesh 8385 9369 9673 9172 165363 176050 182806 174740 5.25 6.86 0.36 0.473
Jharkhand 2960 3230 3682 3291 62494 58139 65405 62013 5.31 32.99 1.75 2.297
Karnataka 11050 11768 12782 11867 143630 162798 186309 164246 7.22 61.1 4.414 5.792
Kerala 10367 11418 12288 11358 150465 164407 184887 166586 6.82 33.41 2.278 2.988
Madhya Pradesh 4779 5179 5610 5189 60884 68768 77777 69143 7.51 72.63 5.451 7.162
Maharashtra 9814 10671 11379 10622 152930 163773 180220 165641 6.41 112.37 7.206 9.455
Manipur 1674 1745 1820 1746 60734 65442 70795 65657 2.66 2.86 0.076 0.100
Meghalaya 2933 3231 3550 3238 71106 74411 79235 74917 4.32 2.97 0.128 0.168
Mizoram 2276 3007 3639 2974 114759 127493 136697 126316 2.35 1.1 0.026 0.034
Nagaland 1891 2056 2459 2135 89872 93883 104518 96091 2.21 1.98 0.044 0.058
Odisha 4556 5124 5146 4942 71000 74061 87649 77570 6.37 41.97 2.674 3.509
Panjab 8797 9064 9301 9054 122075 132630 141504 132070 6.86 27.74 1.902 2.495
Rajasthan 5359 5835 5975 5723 85188 92990 101135 93104 6.15 68.55 4.214 5.529
Sikkim 8334 8856 10086 9092 244016 283250 322100 283122 3.21 0.61 0.02 0.026
TamilNadu 10547 10692 11313 10851 143690 157199 172253 157714 6.88 72.15 4.964 6.513
Telangana 9429 10765 12907 11304 136455 157536 173751 155914 7.08 0.35 2.477 3.250
Tripura 3062 3433 3621 3372 71421 91006 98687 87038 3.87 3.67 0.142 0.187
Uttar Pradesh 3515 3786 3952 3751 47981 53574 59345 53633 6.99 199.81 13.975 18.337
Uttarakhand 7880 8745 10026 8884 152290 164872 178648 165270 5.38 10.09 0.542 0.771
West Bengal 4167 4448 4712 4442 77977 83263 90072 83770 5.3 91.28 4.84 6.351
All States 1178 76 100

To begin with, for 2020-21, the proportion of grants between rural and urban local bodies recommended by us is in the ratio of 67.5:32.5.

iv. With this new sharing ratio, the recommended allocation for rural local bodies in 2020-21 is Rs. 60,750 crore, which is more or less unchanged from the Rs.60,687 crore in 2019-20 recommended by FC-XIV.

Interse share of the State

State Share (%)
Andhra Pradesh 4.111
Arunachal Pradesh 1.760
Assam 3.131
Bihar 10.061
Chhattisgarh 3.418
Goa 0.386
Gujara 3.398
Haryana 1.082
Himachal Pradesh 0.799
Jharkhand 3.313
Karnataka 3.646
Kerala 1.943
Madhya Pradesh 7.886
Maharashtra 6.135
Manipur 0.718
Meghalaya 0.765
Mizoram 0.506
Nagaland 0.573
Odisha 4.629
Punjab 1.788
Rajasthan 5.979
Sikkim 0.388
Tamil Nadu 4.189
Telangana 2.133
Tripura 0.709
Uttar Pradesh 17.931
Uttarakhand 1.104
West Bengal 7.519
All Stat 100.000

Aggregate Grants to Local Bodies for 2020-21

With the pre-decided 6 criteras, the commission has recommended to release grants to the Local Governments (both Rural and Urban) with the following principle in the following table

State Population 2011 (in million) Area ('000 Population share Area share State wise share (RLB) State wise share (ULB) Grants (RLB) (in crores) Grants (ULB) (in crores)
Andhra Pradesh 49.58 162.92 4.21 5.33 4.32 4.32 2625 1264
Arunachal Pradesh 1.38 83.74 0.12 2.74 0.38 0.38 231 111
Assam 31.21 78.44 2.6 2.57 2.64 2.64 1604 772
Bihar 104.10 94.16 8.84 3.08 8.26 8.26 5018 2416
Chhattisgar 25.55 135.19 2.17 4.43 2.39 2.39 1454 700
Goa 1.46 3.70 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 75 36
Gujarat 60.44 196.24 5.13 6.43 5.26 5.26 3195 1538
Haryana 25.35 44.21 2.15 1.45 2.08 2.08 1264 609
Himachal Pradesh 6.86 55.67 0.58 1.82 0.71 0.71 429 207
Jharkhand 32.99 79.72 2.80 2.61 2.78 2.78 1689 813
Karnataka 61.10 191.79 5.19 6.28 5.29 5.29 3217 1549
Kerala 33.41 38.85 2.84 1.27 2.68 2.68 1628 784
Madhya Pradesh 72.63 308.25 6.16 10.09 6.56 6.56 3984 1918
Maharashtra 112.37 307.71 9.54 10.07 9.59 9.59 5827 2806
Manipur 2.86 22.33 0.24 0.73 0.29 0.29 177 85
Meghalaya 2.97 22.43 0.25 0.73 0.30 0.30 182 88
Mizoram 1.10 21.08 0.09 0.69 0.15 0.15 93 45
Nagaland 1.98 16.58 0.17 0.54 0.21 0.21 125 60
Odisha 41.97 155.71 3.56 5.10 3.72 3.72 2258 1087
Punjab 27.74 50.36 2.35 1.66 2.29 2.29 1388 668
Rajasthan 68.55 342.24 5.82 11.21 6.36 6.36 3862 1859
Sikkim 0.61 7.10 0.05 0.23 0.07 0.07 42 20
Tamil Nadu 72.15 130.06 6.12 4.26 5.94 5.94 3607 1737
Telangana 35.00 112.12 2.97 3.67 3.04 3.04 1847 889
Tripura 3.67 10.49 0.31 0.34 0.31 0.31 191 92
Uttar Pradesh 199.81 240.93 16.96 7.89 16.05 16.05 9752 4695
Uttarakhand 10.09 53.48 0.86 1.75 0.95 0.95 574 278
West Bengal 91.28 88.75 7.75 2.91 7.26 7.26 4412 2124
All States 1178.19 3054.27 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 60750 29250

The XVth Commission has recommended to release the above grants in two equal instalment in june,2020 and October,2020.

The state shall release the same grants with in 10 working days. Any delay requires the State Government to pay the interest while releasing the 2nd instalment.

These grants shall be released to all three tiers of Panchayats and Urban local Government on the basis of population and area of the local governments in the ratio of 90:10. out of which 50% is basic and another 50% as tied grants.

Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgar Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Odisha Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Telangana Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal All Stat

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