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Sunday, February 24, 2019

Income source of Grampanchayats in Telangana State

Income Sources of Gram Panchayat

1. Introduction

Every Government will have their source of income. Without income the government cannot do any developmental or welfare activities. In the same analogy the grampanchayat as local government is having source of income. And income so received by the Grampanchayat has to incur on providing amenities to the villagers. The mobilizing the resources and its expenditure in a correct way is called “Financial Management”. To learn about Financial Management of the Gram Panchayat, first we have to know the income sources of Gram Panchayat and expenditure to be incurred for providing the civic amenities to the public. It is also important to know how to prepare a budget of Grampanchayat, procedures for auctioning, work execution, etc. that are explained hereunder.

2. Income Sources of Gram Panchayat Telangana Panchayat Raj Act, 2018 provides to levy and collect the taxes, non- taxes and fees, to improve the financial status of Gram Panchayats. The income source of Grampanchayat can be dived in to 4 categories.

  1. Own Sources
  2. Assigned Revenues
  3. Government Grants
  4. Donations, unclaimed deposits

2.1. Own Sources:

Own source means, the taxes and not taxes, which can levy and collect by the grampanchayat, are called its’ own sources. The own sources may be divided in to two categories. i.e.

  1.  Taxes
  2.  Non-Taxes.

The Taxes that can be levied by the Grampanchayats are shown under Section 64 of the Act. These taxes are divided in to two categories like Mandatory Taxes and Obligatory taxes. There are three types of Mandatory taxes.

A.1. Mandatory Taxes

  1. House Tax
  2. Kolagaram or Kata Rusumu
  3. Other tax as Government may direct
Contd. Page.No.2
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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