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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Duties and Responsibilities of Panchayat Secretary as per Telangana Panchayat Raj Act, 2018

Rules - Telangana Panchayat Raj Act, 2018 - Gram Panchayats - Duties and Responsibilities of Panchayat Secretary – Orders - Issued.

G.O.Ms.No. 108                                                                                                           Dated:26-09-2018

1. Telangana Panchayat Raj Act, 2018. (Act No.5 of 2018).
2. From the Commissioner, Panchayat Raj &Rural Employment, Hyd.Lr. No. 2560/CPR&RE/B2/2017, dated: 28.8.2018.
              Keeping in view the Telangana Panchayat Raj Act, 2018 (Act No.5 of 2018) Government have decided to issue rules relating to the Duties and Responsibilities of Panchayat Secretary in supersession of all earlier orders thereof.
            Accordingly, the following notification will be published in the Telangana Gazette, dated: 26.09.2018.
              In exercise of the powers conferred by section 286 read with sections 42 and 43 of the Telangana Panchayat Raj Act, 2018 (Act No. 5 of 2018), the Government of Telangana hereby makes the following rules relating to the Duties and Responsibilities of Panchayat Secretary in supersession of all earlier orders relating thereof:-


Short Title: These rules may be called the Telangana Panchayat Raj (Duties and Responsibilities of    Panchayat Secretary) Rules, 2018. 
Definition: In these rules “Act” means Telangana Panchayat Raj Act, 2018.


The Panchayat Secretary shall, -

  1. Discharge all the duties and responsibilities entrusted to and imposed upon him under Section 43 and other provisions of the Act.
  2. Prepare the agenda on the subjects specified in Sub-Section (8) of Section 6 of the Act and other necessary subjects with the approval of the Gram Panchayat.
  3. Display or Publicise the Agenda notice as follows
  4. i   By beat of drum in the village 
    ii  By affixing the notice at three conspicuous places in the village. 
    iii By affixing the notice on the notice board oh the Gram Panchayat 
    iv Or by any other means so that communication reaches maximum number of members.
  5.  Communicate the Gram Sabha Agenda to the members of the Gram Panchayat.
  6.  Be subordinate to the Gram Panchayat and function under the administrative control of the Sarpanch.
  7. Attend the suggestions made by the Members of Gram Panchayat and implement all resolutions of Gram Panchayat.
  8. Visit the localities/habitations of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other weaker sections in the Gram Panchayat area for ensuring the services provided by the Gram Panchayat are properly delivered in those areas and also strive to eradicate untouchable in any form.
  9. Prepare the annual Administration report of the Gram Panchayat and submit the same to the Gram Panchayat for its approval.
  10. Prepare monthly progress report on the Gram Panchayat administration and place it before the Gram Panchayat at its monthly meeting.
  11. Along with the Sarpanch, submit compliance report on the inspection report of the higher authorities.
  12. Be responsible for reconciliation of all the accounts and submit to the approval of Gram Panchayat and the reconciliation statement shall be forwarded to Extension Officer (PR&RD) at least once in a quarter.
  13. Verify the documents submitted along with layout proposals and assist the Gram Panchayat in forwarding the layout proposals within 7 days after receipt.

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