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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Duties and Responsibilities of Panchayat Secretary as per Telangana Panchayat Raj Act, 2018

Rules - Telangana Panchayat Raj Act, 2018 - Gram Panchayats - Duties and Responsibilities of Panchayat Secretary – Orders - Issued.

G.O.Ms.No. 108                                                                                                           Dated:26-09-2018

1. Telangana Panchayat Raj Act, 2018. (Act No.5 of 2018).
2. From the Commissioner, Panchayat Raj &Rural Employment, Hyd.Lr. No. 2560/CPR&RE/B2/2017, dated: 28.8.2018.
              Keeping in view the Telangana Panchayat Raj Act, 2018 (Act No.5 of 2018) Government have decided to issue rules relating to the Duties and Responsibilities of Panchayat Secretary in supersession of all earlier orders thereof.
            Accordingly, the following notification will be published in the Telangana Gazette, dated: 26.09.2018.
              In exercise of the powers conferred by section 286 read with sections 42 and 43 of the Telangana Panchayat Raj Act, 2018 (Act No. 5 of 2018), the Government of Telangana hereby makes the following rules relating to the Duties and Responsibilities of Panchayat Secretary in supersession of all earlier orders relating thereof:-


Short Title: These rules may be called the Telangana Panchayat Raj (Duties and Responsibilities of    Panchayat Secretary) Rules, 2018. 
Definition: In these rules “Act” means Telangana Panchayat Raj Act, 2018.


The Panchayat Secretary shall, -

  1. Discharge all the duties and responsibilities entrusted to and imposed upon him under Section 43 and other provisions of the Act.
  2. Prepare the agenda on the subjects specified in Sub-Section (8) of Section 6 of the Act and other necessary subjects with the approval of the Gram Panchayat.
  3. Display or Publicise the Agenda notice as follows
  4. i   By beat of drum in the village 
    ii  By affixing the notice at three conspicuous places in the village. 
    iii By affixing the notice on the notice board oh the Gram Panchayat 
    iv Or by any other means so that communication reaches maximum number of members.
  5.  Communicate the Gram Sabha Agenda to the members of the Gram Panchayat.
  6.  Be subordinate to the Gram Panchayat and function under the administrative control of the Sarpanch.
  7. Attend the suggestions made by the Members of Gram Panchayat and implement all resolutions of Gram Panchayat.
  8. Visit the localities/habitations of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other weaker sections in the Gram Panchayat area for ensuring the services provided by the Gram Panchayat are properly delivered in those areas and also strive to eradicate untouchable in any form.
  9. Prepare the annual Administration report of the Gram Panchayat and submit the same to the Gram Panchayat for its approval.
  10. Prepare monthly progress report on the Gram Panchayat administration and place it before the Gram Panchayat at its monthly meeting.
  11. Along with the Sarpanch, submit compliance report on the inspection report of the higher authorities.
  12. Be responsible for reconciliation of all the accounts and submit to the approval of Gram Panchayat and the reconciliation statement shall be forwarded to Extension Officer (PR&RD) at least once in a quarter.
  13. Verify the documents submitted along with layout proposals and assist the Gram Panchayat in forwarding the layout proposals within 7 days after receipt.

Pages: 1 2

Friday, September 21, 2018

Duties and Function of Panchayat Secretary as per New Act,2018

43. (1) The Panchayat Secretary shall,-

(i)   inform    the    Sarpanch   and    members   of   the scheduled  due   date   on   which   a  meeting  of  the   Gram Panchayat is to be convened;

(ii)  with  the  approval of,  or  on  the  direction   of  the
Sarpanch arrange for such meetings:

If the  Panchayat Secretary fails to discharge the  above duties, he  shall be  liable for disciplinary action  under the relevant  rules.

(2) He shall attend the meetings of the Gram Sabha and Gram  Panchayat or of any  Committee thereof  and  shall be entitled to take  part  in the  discussions thereat but  he  shall not be entitled to vote or to move  any resolution.

(3) He shall be  responsible for furnishing a copy  of the resolutions to  the  Extension Officer (PR&RD) within three days from the date  of meeting.

(4)  The  Panchayat  Secretary  shall be  responsible  for implementing the resolutions of the Gram Panchayat and  of the Committee thereof:

 (5) The Panchayat Secretary shall,-

(i)  maintain   Roznamcha‖  by  recording  daily movement of strangers, non-residents visiting the Gram Panchayat and  significant  events taken  place;  and  inform the Sarpanch;

(ii) for ensuring proper sanitation in the village,-

(a)  make   rounds in the  Gram  Panchayat daily in early  hours for  monitoring  sanitation;  during   the  rounds supervise the work of the sanitation staff and  take their daily attendance  and    make    proper   allocation  of   the   work; prepare weekly  Sanitation  plan  of the  Gram  Panchayat so as to ensure cleaning of all streets, public places and institutions, schools,  colonies on  regular basis; ensure the regular  de-silting of drains  so as  to ensure the  free flow of drainage water  at  all times; ensure the  collection, transportation and  safe disposal of waste in the  dumping yard  regularly;  ensure  proper maintenance of  Tri-cycles, tractors  and   other   waste lifting  vehicles;  and   ensure the spreading of bleaching and  lime as per standards;

(b)  take  up  all measures for control  of mosquito growth  like spray of anti larval liquids and  use  of gambusia fish. A log book  shall be  maintained for spraying activities and  register for distribution of gambusia fish.

(c)  ensure  maintenance  of  sanitation  and cleanliness in all public institutions situated in the Gram Panchayat such  as   schools,  anganwadi  centers,  animal husbandry centers, community halls etc.,

(d)   ensure  sweeping  of  roads  and   removal  of deposits of mud/debris on public places;

(e)    take    steps   for    closing    of    defunct    and abandoned (unused) old wells, bore  wells and  pits;

(iii) take  steps for construction of magic  soak pits and community soak  pits;

(iv) report  any  problem related to supply of drinking water  to the  officer concerned and  he  shall coordinate  with the drinking water official for timely supply of water;

(v)  take   up   immediate  measures  in  case  of  any outbreak  of   seasonal  or   communicable   diseases  and ensure medical assistance to the affected people;

(vi)  take   up  plantation  as   per   local  needs  in  and around the Village and  ensure minimum  eighty   five percent survival of them.  He shall maintain  register on the plantation and  their survival;

(vii) maintain  a register of assets movable and immovable  and   take   all  measures  for  protection  of  the Gram  Panchayat lands and  assets. He shall also  get  all the Gram  Panchayat lands  registered on  the  name of  Gram Panchayat;

(viii) take  steps for  removal  of all encroachments  in the Gram Panchayats on public places;

(ix) take  action  for timely conduct of auctions for the remunerative assets such as daily market, weekly market  of Gram Panchayats;

(x) make  proper entries in the  books of account for every receipt and  expenditure;

(xi) exercise administrative control  over the staff of the Gram  Panchayat subject to  general superintendence and control  of the Sarpanch and  Gram  Panchayat and  pay  their salaries;

(xii)  be    responsible   for   safe   custody   of   Gram Panchayat fund and  other  funds received by the Gram Panchayat;

(xiii) be responsible for the safety and  maintenance of the  records of the  Gram  Panchayat and  shall computerize all statutory records; and  update the same on weekly basis, in the Panchayat Raj website;

(xiv) be  primarily  responsible  for  collection  of  total demand of all taxes and  non-taxes.   He  shall ensure  that the demand for all the assessments are served within fifteen days  after   its   approval   by   the   Gram   Panchayat  and collected in the  first quarter.   The  Gram  Panchayat shall approve  the   demand  as   prepared  by   the   Panchayat Secretary within  fifteen days and  also  approve any  fresh assessments proposed by the  Panchayat Secretary with or without modifications.    Failure to perform the above responsibilities and  duties shall lead to deemed removal of the Panchayat Secretary.

Failure  to  approve  the   demand  shall be   sufficient reason for the dissolution of Gram Panchayat.

(xv)    maintain     registers   of    births,     deaths   and marriages;

(xvi) be  responsible for reporting of casual vacancy occurred  for  the   post   of  Sarpanch,  Upa-Sarpanch  and Ward Members of Gram Panchayat to the District Collector;

(xvii) maintain  household wise  statistics, employment status, housing status, status of landless labour, vulnerable groups;

(xviii) ensure that  ninety  percent of street lights  and related equipment are working at all times;

(xix) make  arrangements for  door  to  door  collection of waste, segregation of wet and  dry waste, transportation to dumping yard through rickshaw or otherwise;

(xx) ensure regular  payment of current consumption charges;
 (6) Social forestry and  plantation:

(i)    The    Panchayat    Secretary,    shall   also     take necessary measures for plantation of wild fruit bearing trees outside  the   habitations  of  the   Gram   Panchayat  in  the common lands, barren hills and  so on;

(ii)  supply minimum  of  six saplings to  every  house owner.  It is the  owner‘s  obligation  to  plant  these saplings and  protect them.  In the event  of failure of a house owner  to comply with this requirement, and  after inspection by Panchayat Secretary, a penalty of an  amount equal to the property tax shall be  imposed by  the  Gram  Panchayat on the house owner;

(iii) take  up avenue plantation in all internal roads and in the  vicinity of the  Gram  Panchayat and  community and block  plantation  in  vacant  Government  and   institutional lands;

(iv) ensure survival of at  least eighty  five percent  of planted  saplings  in  the   village  by  regular watering and maintenance;

(v) be  responsible for raising  of nursery for the  Gram Panchayat  and   growing   of  saplings  strictly  as   per   local needs and  soil condition must  be  ensured. The size of the nursery shall be such as may be prescribed and  preference shall be  given  to  fruit bearing and  useful plants such as drumstick,   gooseberry,   mango,  tamarind,  neem,   lime, guava, etc.,

(7) The Panchayat Secretary shall arrange for collection and   updation  of  village  statistics  on  monthly   basis (live stock, assets etc.,)

(8) For effective functioning of the  Gram  Panchayat, the
Panchayat Secretary shall reside in the village.

(9)  The   Panchayat  Secretary  shall  discharge  all  the duties and  perform  all  the  functions  specifically  conferred or imposed on  him by or under this Act and  subject to all restrictions and  conditions imposed by or under this Act, be responsible for the due  fulfillment of the purpose thereof.

(10)   The   performance   report    in   respect  of   duties assigned to the  Panchayat Secretary shall be  published in public domain every  month, and  if  any  short comings are found,   the    Panchayat   Secretary   shall   be    liable   for disciplinary action.

(11)  The  Panchayat  Secretary shall be  responsible for carrying  out the instructions given  by the  Government from time to time.

(12)   Permission  or   any   other    order    of   the   Gram Panchayat shall be  issued next day  itself by the  Panchayat Secretary.

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