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Friday, March 2, 2018



PROTOCOL – Observance of Protocol by the Government Officials in dealing with Legislators and other VVIPs during the functions organized by Government / Local Bodies – Orders issued from time to time – Consolidated – Orders - Issued.



Read the following:-

  1. G.O.Rt.No.2977, General Adminstration (Poll.A) Department,dated 25.06.2002.
  2. G.O.Rt.No.3471, G.A.(Poll.A) Dept., dt.19.6.2007.
  3. G.O.Rt.No.5415, G.A.(Poll.A) Dept., dt.17.9.2007.
  4. G.O.Rt.No.6353, G.A.(Poll.A) Dept., dt.13.10.2007.
  5. G.O.Rt.No.3076, G.A.(Poll.A) Dept., dt.13.07.2011.
  6. G.O.Rt.No.348, G.A.(Poll.A) Dept., dt.26.06.2012.

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In the G.O. first read above, in addition to the earlier instructions issued by Government from time to time, Government have issued orders on observance of protocol by the Government officials in respect of Legislators and other VVIPs during the functions organized by Government / Local Bodies at various levels, based on the recommendations of the Committee of Privileges, as adopted by the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly on 30.03.2002.

2.  A statement was issued by way of annexure to the above order showing the functions organized at various levels, the agency to organize the function, the list of invitees and order of the names of the invitees on the invitation card, names to be incorporated on the plaque and seating on the dais for each level of function.  A statement showing the order of protocol, Role of Non-officials at functions, order of names in the invitation card / plaque etc., was also annexed to the above orders.

3.  Consequent on revival of Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council, vide G.Os. second to fifth read above, certain amendments were issued to the orders issued in the G.O. first read above, extending the protocol facilities to certain dignitaries.

4.   Government have examined the recommendations made by the Committee for Privileges in the meeting held on 08.02.2012 on observations of Protocol by the Government Officials and have decided to issue consolidated instructions duly incorporating the amendments made after issue of G.O. first read above. 

5.  Accordingly, in addition to the earlier instructions, consolidated instructions on the observance of Protocol issued by the Government from time to time in the form of  statement is hereby issued by way of annexure to this order showing the functions organized at various levels, the agency to organize the function, the list of invitees and order of the names of the invitees on the invitation card, names to be incorporated on the plaque and seating on the dais for each level of function.  This statement showing the order of protocol, Role of Non-officials at functions, order of names in the invitation card / plaque etc., as annexed to this order shall be scrupulously followed to avoid complaints on the non-observance of protocol

6.  The officers, mentioned in the address entry,  shall adhere to the above orders scrupulously in addition to the existing instructions on the subject and not to give any scope for complaints from MPs/MLCs/ MLAs/Local Bodies Representatives like Chairpersons of Municipal Corporations/ Chairpersons of Zilla Parishads / Presidents of Mandal Praja Parishads etc.

7.   Any deviation from the orders issued on observance of protocol shall invite stern disciplinary action against the erring officials concerned.



All the Private Secretaries to Special Chief Secretaries /       Principal Secretaries / Secretaries / Ex-officio Secretaries.
All the Heads of Departments.
All the Collectors and District Magistrates.
Copy to:
The Secretary to State Legislature, Legislature Secretariat, Hyderabad.
All the Departments of Secretariat.
The Director General & Inspector General of Police,  Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
The Additional Director General of Police, Intelligence, Hyderabad.
The Inspector General of Police, Security, Hyderabad.
The Commissioner & Special Officer, Greater Hyderabad  Municipal Corporation, Hyderabad.
All the Commissioners of Police in the State.
All the Superintendents of Police in the State.
All the Mayors of Corporations / Commissioners of Municipalities  in the State.
All the Mandal Parishad Development Officers.
All the Mandal Revenue Officers.
The Private Secretary to Principal Secretary to C.M. 
All the Private Secretaries to Ministers.
The Private Secretary to Chief Secretary / Secretary (Political)
The Personal Assistant to Special Secretary (Protocol) /  Assistant Secretary (Political-I).



A N N E X U R E - I

In any function, the order of protocol of persons present would be as follows:
  1. Governor
  2. Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh
  3. Cabinet Ministers of the Union of India
  4. Minister of State for the Union of India
  5. Deputy Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh
  6. Chairman, A.P.Legislative Council
  7. Speaker of A.P.Legislative Assembly
  8. Leader of Opposition, A.P.Leg.Council
  9. Leader of Opposition, A.P.Leg.Assembly
  10. Ministers Incharge of the District
  11. Ministers (Cabinet Rank), A.P. /Chairman, Regional Planning & Dev. Board
  12. Dy.Ministers of Union of India
  13. Ex-Chief Minister of A.P.
  14. Ex.Governors
  15. Ministers (State), A.P.
  16. Deputy Chairman, APLC
  17. Deputy Speaker, A.P.Leg.Assembly
  18. Government Chief Whip
  19. Government Whips
  20. Mayor of Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation /Chairperson Z.P. /  Mayor of Corporations
  21. 21. M.Ps.
  22. M.L.Cs.
  23. M.L.As.
  24. Chairperson, Municipal Council, Vice-Chairperson, Zilla Parishad /    Deputy Mayor / Chairperson of Standing Committee of Municipal Corporation / Municipal Council.
  25. President, Mandal Praja Parishad
  26. Member, ZPTC
  27. Member, MPTC / Ward Councilor / Corporator
  28. Sarpanch
  29. Donors and Non-Government Organizations

1. Generally Dy. C.M,  Chairman (APLC), Speaker (APLA), Leader of Opposition (APLC), Leader of
Opposition (APLA), Ministers, Chairman, Regional Planning & Dev. Board,  Dy. Chairman, APLC ,
Dy.Speaker, APLA Govt. Chief Whip, Govt. Whips, MPs, MLCs, MLAs, ZPP Chairpersons will be the Chief Guests / Guests of Honour.

2. In case of funds from Government, the MLA will generally preside over the function; in the absence of Minister, MLA will generally be the Chief Guest.

3. Where the funds are exclusively of the local bodies, the Mayor / Chairperson / Sarpanch would generally preside.

4. Generally, all local elected representatives eg.
Deputy Mayor, Chairpersons of Standing
Committees,  Municipal Corporation / Municipal
Council, Deputy Chairperson, Vice President of
MPP, ZPTC / Member, MPTC, Corporator &
Councillor etc., must be invited to all important functions.

5. Donors & Non-Govt. Organizations who have contributed to the function may be made special invitees / guest of honour.

1. Chief Guest
2. Guest of Honour
3. President of Function
4. Other non-officials who grace the function as per colums 4 and 6.

To follow the order shown in  Table-1.


Function / Inauguration / Foundation etc.Agency / Authority to fix function venue (time and
date) and finalise printing of Invitation Card
a) Names on the Cards
---------------------------- b) Order of names as per Table - 1/3
President –  always center,
Chief Guest –  right side,
Guest of Honour left side etc.
1In respect of works executed by the Gram Panchayat with its own fundsSarpanch
i) Minor Gram Panchayat -  Sarpanch ii) Major Gram Panchayat - Sarpanch
along with concerned
Ward Member
i) Minor Gram Pnchayat – Sarpanch ii) Major Gram Panchayat – Sarpanch along with concerned Ward Member – Others optional from Table-1 Sarpanch Ward Member Others optional from Table-1 MP, MLC, MLA,
Sarpanch, Ward Member Others optional as per ranking shown in Table-1
As per ranking shown in Table-1
2In respect of works executed by Mandal Praja Parishad with its own fundsPresident, MPP MLC, MLA, President,MPP, ZPTC, MPTC concerned Sarpanch   - Others – Optional from Table-1 MLC, MLA, President,
MPP, Member ZPTC and Sarpanch Others – Optional  as per the Table-1
MP, MLC, MLA, MPP President, MPTC concerned. Others – Optional as per the order shown in Table-1 As shown in Table-1
3 In respect of works taken up by the Zilla Parishad with its own fundsChairperson, ZPP in consultation with ZPTC Member concerned Chairperson, ZPP, MP, MLC, MLA,
Others – Optional from Table-1
Chairperson, ZPP, MP,MLC, MLA, Member ZPTC, President MPP –  Others – Optional as per Table-1 Chairperson, ZPP, MP,
MLC, MLA, ZPTC Member concerned Others – Optional  as per Table-1
As shown in Table-1
4 In respect of the works executed by the Municipality with its own funds Chairpersons of the Municipality in consultation with Ward Councillor MP, MLC, MLA, Chairperson of Municipal Council - Others – Optional from Table-1 MP, MLC, MLA,
Chairperson Municipality / Municipal Councillor concerned - Others – Optional as per Table-1
Chairperson Municipality
/ Councillor concerned - Others – Optional  as shown in Table-1
As shown in Table-1
5 In respect of works executed by the Municipal Corporation with its own fundsMayor, Municipal Corporation in consultation with the Corporator for Ward level functions only.  Mayor in respect of other functions.Mayor, Municipal Corporation, MP, MLC, MLA, Corporator - Others – Optional as per Table-1 Mayor of Corporation,
MP, MLC, MLA Others – Optional from Table-1
Mayor, MP, MLC, MLA, Corporator concerned - Others – Optional as in Table-1 As shown in Table-1
6 In respect of the works taken up in the district with Govt. funds by Departments like R&B, Irrigation, RWS, SW/TW. Hostels, Police etc., including P.H.C., ICDS, Buildings etc., Watershed programmes, SC, BC, ST, Women Corporation functions etc. Collector in consultation with Minister Incharge of the District / District Minister / MLC / MLA Minister, MP, MLC, MLA taking into consideration on the level of participation - Others – Optional  as per Table-1 Collector in consultation with Minister Incharge of the District / District Ministers, MP, MLC, MLA - Others – Optional  as per Table-1 Minister, MP, MLC, MLA, Municipal Chairman, Mayor, ZP Chairman - Others – Optional as per Table-1 As shown in Table-1

  • Invitations to the Ministers when invited will be issued by the persons noted in Col.3.
  • Generally the Sarpanch / President MPP / Chairperson ZP / Municipal Council, Mayor would preside if the work is taken up with funds of that local body.
  • Where funds of a higher-level body are involved, representative of that body must be consulted before finalizing the programme.  For example, MPTC Member to be consulted in case of a Panchayat function involving MPP funds; ZPTC Member in case of a Mandal function involving ZP funds and MLC / MLA in the case of a Zilla Parishad function involving government funds and their names must find place in the invitation card/plaque.

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