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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

10the Part of C.C.A. Rules

I. A.P. Excise Subordinate Service :
1. Circle Inspectors and Sub-Inspectors of Excise.
Excise Superintendent
Deputy Commnr. of Excise.
Deputy Commnr. of Excise.
Excise Superintendent
Deputy Commnr. of Excise.
Deputy Commnr. of Excise.
Deputy Commnr. of Excise.
I. Motor Drivers, Electricians and Fieldmen attached to
the Head Office.
Deputy Director of Fisheries
Deputy Director of Fisheries
Deputy Director of Fisheries
II. Members of the Last Grade Service-Under the members of the Fisheries Subordinate Service
Pisciculturist, Botanist, Research Assistant,
Inspector of Fisheries or Laboratory Assistant, as the case my be
Pisciculturist, Botanist, Research Assistant,
Inspector of Fisheries or Laboratory Assistant, as the case my
Pisciculturist, Botanist, Research Assistant,
Inspector of Fisheries or Laboratory Assistant, as the case my
Pisciculturist, Botanist, Research Assistant,
Inspector of Fisheries or Laboratory Assistant, as the case my
Pisciculturist, Botanist, Research Assistant,
Inspector of Fisheries or Laboratory Assistant, as the case my
Pisciculturist, Botanist, Research Assistant,
Inspector of Fisheries or Laboratory Assistant, as the case my
Pisciculturist, Botanist, Research Assistant,
Inspector of Fisheries or Laboratory Assistant, as the case my
FOREST DEPARTMENTI. A.P. Forest Sub-ordinate Service
1. Artist Photographer-
Conservator of Forests in the case of those under
State Silviculturist and Forest Utilisation Officer and
Conservator of Forests in the case of other.
Divisional Forest Officer/State
Silviculturist/Forest Utilisation Officer.
Conservator of Forests in the case in the case of
those under State silviculturist and Forest Utilisation officer
and Conservator of Forests in the case of others.
Conservator of Forests in the case in the case of
those under State silviculturist and Forest Utilisation officer
and Conservator of Forests in the case of others.
Conservator of Forests in the case in the case of
those under State silviculturist and Forest Utilisation officer
and Conservator of Forests in the case of others.
2. Dy. Range Officers (those appointed by Chief Conservator of
Forests upto 31-8-76 (inclusive)
Divisional Forest Officer
Divisional Forest Officer
Divisional Forest Officer
Divisional Forest Officer
Divisional Forest Officer
3. Dy. Range Officers (those appointed by Conservator of
Forests on or after 1-9-1976).
Divisional Forest Officer
Divisional Forest Officer
Divisional Forest Officer
4. Forester
Forest Range Officer.
5. Forest Guards
Forest Range
6. Draughtman-I
Conservator of Forests
Conservator of Forests in the case of those under
Conservator of Forests and Divisional Forest Officer in the case
of those under Divisional Forest Officer.
Conservator of Forests.
7. Draughtman-II
Divisional Forest Officer
Divisional Forest Officer
Divisional Forest Officer
8. Categories of Class I, II and III under A.P. Subordinate
Establishment Rules as Approved in G.O.Ms.No. 1518, Food and
Agriculture, dated 9-8-1969.
Forest Range Officer
[Sl.No. 1 and 2 Omitted and Sl.Nos. 3 to 10 renumbered as 1 to
8 by G.O.Ms.No. 250, General Administrator (Ser.-C), dated 23-6-1995].II. Andhra Pradesh Sub-ordinate Service :
Zoological Park Establishment
Category of Class A.
1. Assistant Curator
Conservator of ForestsCuratorConservator of ForestsConservator of ForestsConservator of Forests
2. Artist-cum-Curator of Museum.

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