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Sunday, November 9, 2014

Marriage Officer designated contrary to the Act.

               The Erstwhile  Andhra Pradesh State Legislature has enacted the Act named "The compulsory registration of marriages act 2002. According  to subsection (1) of Section 6 of the Act, it was stated that the Local Authority may appoint marriage officer to the extent of their local area. In this context Local Area  was clearly defined in the Section 2(b). As far as it is concerned the Grampanchayat is the Local Authority. The Grampanchayat is empowered, by the state legislature by means of passing the said Act. In the same way legislature authorized the  state Government, through the Section 21, to make necessary rules, relating  certain matters specified there in, this regard. And it was also clearly mentioned that the whatever the rules made shall be placed before the state legislature for approval.

                        Unfortunately contrary to the act, and depriving the powers of the Grampanchayat in the Erstwhile State Government of Andhra Pradesh, in Revenue Department  was issued a G.O.Ms.No.1059 Rev.(Vill adm) department dated 31-07-2007, designating the Village Revenue Officer, as marriage registration officer  for both in Rural and urban Areas, clearly indicating the Act.No. 15 of 2002. The very motto of strengthening the Local Governments is not fallowed. The intellectuals in the State Government should act as safeguards of  interest of local government and see that the powers of local authorities shall be restored, at least to the extent of this Act.

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