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Monday, September 15, 2014


Rules- Rules relating to the functions of Panchayat Secretary under section 268 read with 36(6) of Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act, 1994- Orders- Issued
Dated. 18-05-2007

1)    G.O.Ms.No.4.P.R. &R.D(Mdl.II) Dept.dt.7.01.2002
2)    G.O.Ms.No.1950, Revenue(VA.I) Department.dt.30.12.2006
3)    G.O.Ms.No.105,Revenue (VA.I) Department dt.31.01.2007
4)    From the Commissioner P.R.&R.E. Hyderabad Lr.No.122/CPR&RE/B12007, dated.02.02.2007

1.        In the reference 1st read above, Government have issued Rules relating to functions of Panchayat Secretary.

2.        In the reference 2nd read above, the Revenue (VA.I) Department have issued orders for creation of Revenue functionary at the village level under the exclusive control of Mandal Revenue Officers to handle the work relating to Land and Revenue matters at Village Level.

3.         In the reference 3rd read above, the Revenue (VA.I) Department have also issued orders transferring the erstwhile 6752 Village Administrative Officers working as Panchayat Secretaries and 2800 erstwhile  Village Administrative Officers working as part time Assistants under the control of Mandal Parishad Development Officers in Panchayat Raj & Rural Development Department to the Tahsildars of Revenue department w.e.f. 8.02.2007. Orders were also issued therein relating to Job Chart of Village Revenue Officers with 51 functions and to recast the Job chart of Panchayat Secretaries working the Panchayat Raj Department.

4.         In the reference 4th read above, the Commissioner, Panchayat Raj & Rural Employment, Hyderabad has stated that consequent on separation of revenue functionary from the Panchayat Raj Department there is every need to revise the existing Job Chart of Panchayat Secretaries issued in the reference 1st read above.

5.         Government after careful examination of the matter, have accepted the proposal of the Commissioner, Panchayat Raj & Rural Employment, Hyderabad and decided to issue a fresh Rules relating to functions of Panchayat Secretary working in Panchayat Raj Department in supersession of the Rules issued in the reference 1st read above.

6.         Accordingly, the appended notification will be published in the extraordinary issued of the Andhra Pradesh Gazette, dated 19-05-2007.

7.         The commissioner, Printing Stationery and Stores Purchase (Printing Wing), A.P. Hyderabad is requested to publish the notification and furnish 1000 copies of the same for use at Government.

            In exercise of the powers conferred under section 268 read with sub section (6) of section 36 of the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act, 1994, (A.P.Act.No.13 of 1994) and in supersession of the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj (Functions of Panchayat Secretaries) Rules, 2002 issued in G.O.Ms.No.4 P.R. &R.D. (Mdl.II) Department, dated 07-01-2002, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules.


Short  Title:  These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj (Functions of Panchayat Secretary) Rules, 2007

I.       Administrative Functions:-
(1)      He / She shall maintain the required registers of the Gram Panchayat and collect taxes promptly.
(2)      He / She is subordinate to the Gram Panchayat and shall function under the control of the Sarpanch of the Gram Panchayat.
(3)      He / She shall convene the meeting of the Gram Panchayat as directed by Sarpanch.
(4)      He / She shall attend the meeting of the Gram Panchayat or any committee thereon.
(5)      He / She shall implement the resolutions of the Gram Panchayat and of the committees thereof.
 (6)     He / She shall take the responsibility of the protection of Panchayat lands and properties.
(7)      He / She shall report of encroachments, damage or misuse of Panchayat lands and buildings if any to the higher authorities.
(8)      He / She shall assist authorities during the floods, cyclone, accidents etc., and take up preventive, relief and rehabilitation work.
(9)      He / She shall report any outbreak of communicable diseases especially Malaria, Japanese encephalitis and Gastroenteritis and other such diseases to the nearest Primary Health Centre immediately.
(10)    He / She shall monitor the anti malaria spraying of insecticides in the village.
(11)    He / She shall assist the integrated child development scheme functionaries in implementing their various activities.
(12)    He / She shall maintain births and deaths registration primarily as per act and rules and also issued Birth and Death Certificates.  Supply copy of Birth and Death information to the Revenue Department (concerned Tahasildar / Dy. Tahasildar) by 5th of succeeding month with proper acknowledgement.
(13)    He / She shall assist Grama Sabha in the identification of beneficiaries, disbursement of loans and their recoveries.
(14)    He / She shall perform election duties.
(15)    He / She shall report outbreak of epidemics.
(16)    He / She shall report cases of atrocities against Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes.
(17)    He / She shall report on the atrocities against women and children to the authorities concerned and to take action within 24 hours.
(18)    He / She shall strive for eradication of un-touchability by providing access to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in temples and removal of discrimination in all forms against the Scheduled Caste / Schedule Tribe population.
(19)    He / She shall assist in giving information to the concerned officials about any black market sales of seeds, fertilizers and pesticides.
II.      Functions under Community Welfare and Development :-
(1)      He / She shall assist in work relating to payment of old age pension, widow pension disabled pension.
(2)      He / She shall furnish the particulars about implementation of developmental activities.
(3)      He / She shall prepare the draft list of heads of household under the poverty line, keeping the names starting with the lowest levels of income and upward.
(4)      He / She should identify the needs of village and assist in preparation of village plans.
(5)      He / She shall motivate the women for formation of new self help groups by encouraging the habit of thrift, impart best principles of group management in the self help groups through regular training and capacity building.
(6)      He / She shall attend monthly staff meetings convened by President, Mandal Praja Parishad and Mandal Parishad Development Officer and other meetings convened by District Officer.
(7)      He / She shall attend meetings of V.T.D.A. and assist V.T.D.A. in preparation of Micro plans and in implementing them.
(8)      He / She shall assist agricultural development in implementing its programmes and disseminate extension information.
(9)      He / She shall assist in implementation of Indiramma programme, Indira Prabha and Employment Guarantee scheme.
(10)    He / She shall organize to collect the details of seedlings planted in each location, motivate the concerned to protect them and collect percentage of survival periodically.
(11)    He / She shall assist the Education department in their enrolment drive.
(12)    He / She shall assist in conducting the literacy classes.
(13)    (a)    He / She shall assist in maintaining and up keeping of Gram Panchayat Information Board.
          (b)   He / She shall assist in maintaining of Information Boards relating to assets in the villages.
III. Functions of Coordination:-
(1)      He / She shall maintain list of beneficiaries under various schemes and mobilize the public participation for joint forest Management / Community forest development.
(2)      He / She shall organize meetings and group discussions among villagers for Community work.
IV. Miscellaneous Function:-
          He / She shall attend to any other duties as assigned by the authorities from time to time.

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