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Friday, September 26, 2014

Assessment of House tax in Grampanchayats

The government of Andhra Pradesh has issued rules for levy of house tax under A.P.G.P. Act,1964 wide G.O.MS.No. 282 PR, (pts-viii) Department 12-3-1965 and the same rules along with other rules are made applicable in Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act 1994, through the G.O.MS.NO. 378 PR & RD ( relief) Dept. dated 28-06-1994, under Section 276 of APPR Act,1994 and Sections 8 and 18 of AP General Clauses Act,1891.

Section & Rule provision for House Tax

  1. As per Section 61(1) of A.P.P.R. Act, 1994, the Grampanchayat shall levey House tas in accordance withthe Rules issued in G.O.Ms. 30 PR&RD (Relief) date 20/01/1995.
  2. Rule 4 to 13 of said rules, relates House tax Assessment
  3. Rules in issued in above G.O. are Amended by G.O.Ms.No.113 PR&RD(Pts.II) dt.22/03/1996
  4. Further Amended by G.O.Ms.No.98 PR&RD (Pts.III)dated 14/03/2002.
  5. Further more Amended by G.O.Ms.No.382 PR&RD (Pts.I) dated 14/12/2012
  6. Number of classes shall not be less than 6.Rule 5(3)
  7. Rule 4, Provides for levy of tax on Proportionate, or on systematic progression rate with value.
  8. If Proportion rate adopted It may group the houses in the village in to classes to simplify calculation and collection of tax.Rule.5(1)
  9. If Progressive rate adopted, it shall prescribe principles of classification and settle precise number and limits of each class.Rule.5(2)
  10. Grampanchayat shall not arrange classes to effect the principle of taxation whether proportionate or progressive to decrease the tax as value of building increases. Rule.4

As per the sub-section (1) of Section 61 of A.P.P.R. Act, 1994 the House Tax shall be levied on the basis of Capital Value of the Building or on Anual Rental Value of Building or house.Further it may be note that as per Rule 4 of Rules issued in G.O.Ms.No. 30 PR&RD (Relief) date 20/01/1995 stipulates that Rate of Tax for assessing the House tax shall be followed either Proportionate rate or Progressives rate. Thus the Grampanchayat may follow to levy of house tax any one out of four methods.

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Monday, September 15, 2014


Rules- Rules relating to the functions of Panchayat Secretary under section 268 read with 36(6) of Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act, 1994- Orders- Issued
Dated. 18-05-2007

1)    G.O.Ms.No.4.P.R. &R.D(Mdl.II) Dept.dt.7.01.2002
2)    G.O.Ms.No.1950, Revenue(VA.I) Department.dt.30.12.2006
3)    G.O.Ms.No.105,Revenue (VA.I) Department dt.31.01.2007
4)    From the Commissioner P.R.&R.E. Hyderabad Lr.No.122/CPR&RE/B12007, dated.02.02.2007

1.        In the reference 1st read above, Government have issued Rules relating to functions of Panchayat Secretary.

2.        In the reference 2nd read above, the Revenue (VA.I) Department have issued orders for creation of Revenue functionary at the village level under the exclusive control of Mandal Revenue Officers to handle the work relating to Land and Revenue matters at Village Level.

3.         In the reference 3rd read above, the Revenue (VA.I) Department have also issued orders transferring the erstwhile 6752 Village Administrative Officers working as Panchayat Secretaries and 2800 erstwhile  Village Administrative Officers working as part time Assistants under the control of Mandal Parishad Development Officers in Panchayat Raj & Rural Development Department to the Tahsildars of Revenue department w.e.f. 8.02.2007. Orders were also issued therein relating to Job Chart of Village Revenue Officers with 51 functions and to recast the Job chart of Panchayat Secretaries working the Panchayat Raj Department.

4.         In the reference 4th read above, the Commissioner, Panchayat Raj & Rural Employment, Hyderabad has stated that consequent on separation of revenue functionary from the Panchayat Raj Department there is every need to revise the existing Job Chart of Panchayat Secretaries issued in the reference 1st read above.

5.         Government after careful examination of the matter, have accepted the proposal of the Commissioner, Panchayat Raj & Rural Employment, Hyderabad and decided to issue a fresh Rules relating to functions of Panchayat Secretary working in Panchayat Raj Department in supersession of the Rules issued in the reference 1st read above.

6.         Accordingly, the appended notification will be published in the extraordinary issued of the Andhra Pradesh Gazette, dated 19-05-2007.

7.         The commissioner, Printing Stationery and Stores Purchase (Printing Wing), A.P. Hyderabad is requested to publish the notification and furnish 1000 copies of the same for use at Government.

            In exercise of the powers conferred under section 268 read with sub section (6) of section 36 of the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act, 1994, (A.P.Act.No.13 of 1994) and in supersession of the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj (Functions of Panchayat Secretaries) Rules, 2002 issued in G.O.Ms.No.4 P.R. &R.D. (Mdl.II) Department, dated 07-01-2002, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules.


Short  Title:  These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj (Functions of Panchayat Secretary) Rules, 2007

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