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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fight against black money

Anna Hazare says bring back the black money
Do u know what will happen if 1456 lac crores comes back..
1)India Financially No.1.
2)Each District will get 60 thousand  crores & 1 village will get 100 crore.
3)No need to pay tax for 20 years.
4)Petrol-25Rs,diesel-15Rs, Dal-20Rs. Milk-8Rs.
5)No need to pay electric Bill.
6)Indian borders will become more strong than the china wall.
7)1500 oxford like universities can be opened.
8) 28,000km, rubber road(as in Paris) can be made.
9)2,000 hospital (inc.all facility) all made Free.
10)95 crore  people will have their own house...'support Anna hazare' 

(A message recieved from some one)

Friday, July 8, 2011

Jai Telangana State

I would like to convey my heart full congratulations to all political leaders who resigned to their political jobs to achieve Telangana state.I do not understand why the counter parts of other area are hesitating  for separate Telangana State. Whether the British rulers obtained British public's consent for giving independence to India.
There is no meaning to say that extremist will come out in small states. If so what is the fate of small countries.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Reservation for women in local bodies of Andhrapradesh

Reservation of seats for women in ensuing election of local bodies of Andhra Pradesh should be made according to proportionate population of women as is done in the case of ST,SC and B.Cs.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

G.P.Employees in some districts regularised in AP

As per  G.O. 112 and 212 employees working in Grampanchayats since 1982 are to be regularised. But in some districts employees are regularised and in some district of  Andhra Pradesh have not regularised so far though some of them expired without getting retirement benefits and their families are also ignored. How the government showing the desparity between the districts of one state of Andhrapradesh

ఉపాధి హామీ పథకం

మహాత్మా గాంధీ జాతీయ ఉపాధి హామీ పతకములో విజిలెన్సు  అధికారులకు పతకములో జరిగిన సామాజిక ఆడిట్ లో తేలిన ఆర్ధిక నేరాలను అరికట్టే అధికరములను దాఖలు పరచాలి.  

Monday, February 28, 2011

Social audit on MGNREGS

It is best stept to change guidelines on social audit. Vigilence officers of MGNREGS shall have to be provided with  R.R.Act powers, of which thahsildars in A.P.are now having.

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