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Saturday, February 15, 2025

TS-bPASS – Approval of layouts in Gram Panchayats – Regulation of unauthorised layouts


Memo No.7740/Plg.III/MAUD/2021 Dated: 08.06.2021
Sub: TS-bPASS – Approval of layouts in Gram Panchayats – Regulation of unauthorised layouts – Instructions issued –Reg.
Ref: TSbPASS Act / Act 12 of 2020


Government of Telangana has enacted the TS-bPASS Act, which is applicable to all municipalities and municipal corporations in the state. The Act introducesa mechanism for hassle free layout / building approval through an online system, based on self-certification and strict enforcement against unauthorized layouts.

2.  Gram Panchayats are not yet covered in TS-bPASS. It is observed that a number of unauthorized layouts are cropping up in these areas, necessitating strict regulation to prevent such unauthorized layouts. Therefore, it is considered necessary to bring layout approvals in Gram Panchayat areas also under TS-bPASS.

3.   Commissioner, Panchayat Raj shall ensure that all the new layout approvals in Gram Panchayats shall be processed through TS-bPASS only. The existing layout approval system through DPMS and E-Panchayat shall be linked to TS-bPASS immediately.

4. As per TS-bPASS Act, all layout proposals will be placed before District Layout Committee chaired by District Collector. On recommendations of District Layout Committee, the layout proceedings will be issued online in the name of Executive Officer, Gram Panchayat.

5.  District Task Force (DTF)constituted under the chairpersonship of District Collector shall take strict action on all ongoing unauthorized layouts covering both rural and urban areas of the District. In case of existing unapproved layouts,notices shall be issued to developers of such layouts to get approval or regularize their layouts under TS-bPASS within two months failing which enforcement action shall be taken as per rules.

6.  The District Collectors shall ensure that enforcement squads conduct regular inspection and take timely enforcement action against unauthorized layouts and ensure that no new unauthorized layout comes up in their jurisdiction.

7.   The Commissioner & IG Stamps and Registration shall ensure that instructions issued earlier regarding non-registration of plots in unauthorized layouts is followed scrupulously by all Sub Registrars.

8.  The Commissioner, Panchayat Raj / Director of Town & Country Planning / Commissioner & Inspector General of Stamps and Registration shall take necessary action accordingly.


The Commissioner, Panchayat Raj, Hyderabad
The Director of Town & Country Planning, Hyderabad
The Commissioner & Inspector General, Stamps & Registration, Hyderabad
All the District Collectors
All the District Panchayat Officers
Copy to:
The Principal Secretary, MA&UD Deptt., Hyderabad
The Principal Secretary, PR&RD Deptt., Hyderabad
The CDMA, Hyderabad
OSD to Minister (MA&UD)
OSD to Minister (PR&RD)



Tuesday, January 28, 2025


16 of 1959

[12th February, 1959]

  1. Short title, extent and commencement
  2. Definitions
  3. Extension of Central Act I of 1871 to transferred territories
  4. Deleted
  5. Deleted
  6. Addition of new Section 41 in Central Act I of 1871
  7. Power to remove difficulty
  8. Repeal of Hyderabad Act V of 1337 F

An Act to extend the Cattle Trespass Act, 1871 to certain territories in the State of Andhra Pradesh and further toamend it in its application to that State. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Andhra Pradesh in the Tenth Year of the Republic of India as follows :-

1. Short title, extent and commencement :-
  1. This Act may be called the Cattle Trespass(Andhra Pradesh Extension and Amendment) Act, 1959.
  2. It extends to the whole of the State of Andhra Pradesh.
  3. This section shall come into force at once; and the rest of this Act shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by notification in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette, appoint.
2. Definitions :-In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,--
  1. "Andhra area" means the territories of the State of Andhra Pradesh which immediately before the 1st November, 1956, were comprised in the State of Andhra;
  2. "transferred territories" means the territories specified in sub- section (1) of Section 3 of the StatesReorganisation Act, 1956 (Central Act 37 of 1956).
3. Extension of Central Act I of 1871 to transferred territories :- The Cattle Trespass Act, 1871 (Central Act I of 1871), as in force at thecommencement of this Act in the Andhra area (hereinafter referred to as 'the principal Act'), and as amended by sections 4, 5 and 6 is hereby extended to, and shall be in force in, the transferred territories.
4. :-Amendments to Sections 1 and 3 incorporated in the principal Act which is extract below
5.:-Amendments to Sections 1 and 3 incorporated in the principal Act which is extract below
6. Addition of new Section 41 in Central Act I of 1871 :- After Section 31 of the principal Act, the following section shall be added, namely:-
"32. Power to make rules:-
  1. The State Government may, by notification published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette make, rules to carry out thepurposes of this Act.
  2. All rules made under this section shall, as soon as may be, after they are made, be placed on the table of the Legislative Assembly and shall be subject to such modifications, whether by way of repeal or amendment, as the Legislative Assembly may make within fourteen days thereafter during the session in which they are so placed."
7. Power to remove difficulty :-If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Act or of the principal Act as extended by this Act, in their application to the transferred territories, the State Government may, by order, make such provision or give such directions as appear to them to be necessary or expedient for removing difficulty.
8. Repeal of Hyderabad Act V of 1337 F :- The Hyderabad CattleTrespass Act, 1337 F. (Hyderabad Act V of 1337 F.), is hereby repealed: Provided that such repeal shall not affect the previous operation of the said Act or any right, title, obligation or liability already acquired,accrued or incurred thereunder, and subject thereto, anything done or any action taken in the exercise of any power conferred by or under the said Act shall be deemed to have been done or taken in the exercise of the power conferred by or under the principal Act as extended by this Act, as if that Act were in force in the transferred territories on the date on which such thing was done or action was taken.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Fixation of Mutation Fee in Gram Panchayats in the State


Panchayat Raj & Rural Development Department – Mutation Fee – Fixation of Mutation Fee in a uniform manner in all Gram Panchayats in the State – Orders – Issued.

G.O.Ms.No. 46
Dated: 10-11-2020

Read the following

  1. G.O.Ms.No.39, PR& RD (MPP& ZPP ADMN) Department, Dt. 31.10.2020
  2. From the Commissioner, PR & RE, Hyderabad Lr.No.5260/CPR&RE/D1/2019, Dt.05.11.2020.


Government Vide Act.No.7 of 2020 have made amendment to Telangana Panchayat Raj Act, 2018 by inserting a new section i.e., 65A, introducing the concept of “Instant Mutation by Registration department through online mode in Dharani portal”, where by whenever there is a transaction in respect of any non agriculture property, the mutation of such property in Gram Panchayats Records will take place automatically and through online mode in Dharani portal.

2. In the reference 2nd read above, the Commissioner Panchayat Raj &ural Employment, Hyderabad has reported that there is no specific procedure prescribed for fixation of mutation rates in the Gram Panchayats. In the Current practice, the Gram Panchayats fix the mutation rates as per the Gram Panchayat resolution. As such, the rates of mutation are fixed differently in different Gram Panchayats without any uniformity.

3. Government after careful examination of the matter hereby order that the following mutation fee shall be collected in all Gram Panchayats at the time of Registration of Non-Agricultural immovable properties by way of Sale, Succession, gift etc.

“ 0.1% of the registration value of the property transferred or Rs.800/- whichever is higher ”

4. The Commissioner Panchayat Raj & Rural Employment, Hyderabad / the Commissioner & Inspector General of Registration & Stamps Department, Hyderabad shall take necessary action accordingly.



The Commissioner Panchayat Raj & Rural Employment, Hyderabad.
The Commissioner & Inspector General of Registration & Stamps Department, Hyd.,
All District Collectors of the State (through Commissioner Panchayat Raj & Rural Employment, Hyderabad).
All District Panchayat Officers (through Commissioner Panchayat Raj & Rural Employment, Hyderabad).
Copy to
The P.S to Minister (PR,RD& RWS)
P.S to the Chief Secretary to Government,
P.S to Secretary to the Government PR& RD Department.



Monday, October 21, 2024

Time limit to joining on promotion clarification


Circular Memo.No:10445/Ser.D/2011 Dated:01-06-2011

Sub:- Public Service– Andhra Pradesh State &Subordinate Service Rules, 1996– Clarification in implementation of rue-11(b) of Andhra Pradesh State &Subordinate Service Rules, 1996– Regarding.
Ref:-  G.O.Ms.No:145, G.A. (Ser.D) Dept., dt:15-06-2004.

In the reference cited, orders were issued amending rule-11(b) of the Andhra Pradesh State &Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 prescribing time limit to join a post on appointment/temporary appointment under Rule 10 including appointments by transfer or by promotion otherwise than by direct recruitment. As per the said rule, an employee on promotion or appointment by transfer to next higher category shall join within 15 days from the date of receipt of the order of promotion/appointment by transfer. An employee who does not join the post within the stipulated time or evades to join the post by proceeding on leave, shall lose his promotion right / offer for the current panel year and the name of the candidate shall be placed before the next Departmental Promotion Committee for consideration in the next year panel subject to availability of vacancy, if he is otherwise eligible and in case of non-selection post, the name of the candidate who does not join within the stipulated time in the promotion post shall be considered for promotion again after a lapse of one year from the date of offer of appointment subject to availability of vacancy.

2. However, it was brought to the notice of the Government that in number of cases the employees, who evades to join in the promoted posts second time also are requesting to consider their names again in the subsequent panel years.

3. Government hereby clarify that as per rule-11(b) of the A.P.State & Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 as amended vide G.O.Ms.No:145, General Administration (Services-D) Department, dated 15-06-2004, a person appointed by promotion/transfer shall join in the promoted post within the time limit of 15 days from the date of receipt of the order of promotion/ appointment by transfer. If an employee who does not join the post within the stipulated time or evades to join the post by proceeding on leave, shall lose his promotion right/officer for the current panel year and the name of the candidate shall be placed before the next Departmental Promotion Committee for consideration in the next year panel subject to availability of vacancy, if he is otherwise eligible (i.e., one time only), but not subsequent panel years. In the case of non-selection posts, the name of the candidate who does not join within the stipulated time in the promotion post shall be considered for promotion again after a period of one year only (i.e., only one time) from the date of offer of appointment subject to availability of vacancy and eligibility. The appointing authorities are requested to strictly adhere to the above rule position.

4. All the Departments of Secretariat/Heads of Departments/District Collectors are requested to issue instructions to all the appointing authorities under their administrative control to follow the above instructions scrupulously.

All Departments of Secretariat.
All Heads of Departments.
All District Collectors.
All District Judges.
Copy to the Prl.Secretary, A.P.Public Service Commission, Hyderabad.
Copy to: Law (E) Department.

//Forwarded::By order//


Joining Time

Comprehensive Guide to Joining Time on Transfers and other occasions for AP/ TG Government Employees

The joining time rules for AP / TG government servants ensure smooth transitions between posts. Joining time is granted for transfers during duty, return from earned leave (up to four months), and return from long leave or deputation abroad. Specific rules apply for remote locality transfers and surplus staff transfers. For training deputations, section officers and assistant section officers receive full joining time. Direct recruitment appointments entitle probationers to joining time and transit pay. Waiting for posting orders on return from leave allows joining time continuation. These guidelines help to government employee transfer policies Rules s effectively.

  1. General Conditions
  2. Specific Conditions and Exceptions
    1. Temporary Transfers
    2. Vacation Combined with Leave
    3. Training Deputations
    4. Direct Recruitment Appointments
    5. Compulsory Waiting for Posting Orders
    6. Post-Training Posting
  3. Restrictions and In eligibility
  4. Important Points on Joining Time
    1. Holidays Following Joining Time
    2. Single Day for Non-Residence Change
    3. Holidays and Sundays Count
    4. No Change of Office
    5. Transfer at Request
    6. Sunday Following Joining Time
    7. Commencement of Joining Time

Salient Features of Joining Time Rules on Transfers for Government Servants Explained

Comprehensive Guide to Joining Time on Transfers and other occasions for Government Employees General Conditions

  1. Transfer During Duty
    Joining time may be granted to join a post to which the servant is transferred while on duty (FR 105 (a)).
  2. Return from Earned Leave
  3. Probationers and approved probationers returning from earned leave of not more than four months may be granted joining time (FR 105 (b), General Rulings under A.P. Leave Rules, 1933).
  4. Return from Long Leave/Deputation
    For returns from leave, study leave, or deputation out of India for more than four months, joining time is granted from the post of debarkation or the regular post in India in case of arrival by aircraft (FR 105 (c)).
  5. Remote Localities
    Joining time is allowed for proceeding to or returning from remote localities that are not easy to access (FR 105 (d) (i&ii)).
  6. Surplus Staff Transfers
    Surplus staff transferred from one post to another are eligible for joining time (FR 105 (e) read with GO.Ms.No. 84, F&P dept., dt 15-4-1981).

Specific Conditions and Exceptions

  1. Temporary Transfers
    No joining time is admissible for temporary transfers not exceeding 180 days; only actual transit time is allowed as for journeys on tour (FR 105 (f)).
  2. Vacation Combined with Leave
    If vacation is combined with leave and the total duration is less than 120 days, joining time is allowed (Note 1 under FR 105).
  3. Training Deputations
    Section officers and Assistant section officers in secretariat,superintendents and senior Assistants in the office of Commissioner of Land Revenue, and Head Quarters Staff of A.P. Ministerial Service, may avail full joining time admissible as on transfer when they are deputed to under go training as Tahsildars and Revenue Inspectors, as the case may be in the Districts (Note 2 under FR10 5 and G.O. Ms.No. 143, Finance dept., dt 27-5-1970) .
  4. Direct Recruitment Appointments
    Probationers and approved probationers appointed to the same or another service by direct recruitment are entitled to joining time and transit pay but not traveling allowance (Note 3 under FR 105).
  5. Compulsory Waiting for Posting Orders
    When a government servant must wait for posting orders on return from leave, and this period is treated as duty, joining time is allowed in continuation of the waiting period (Note 4 under FR 105).
  6. Post-Training Posting
    Government servants posted to a place other than their old headquarters after training are eligible for joining time, which is reckoned from the date of relief from training (FR 105).

Restrictions and In eligibility

  1. Extended Earned Leave
    No joining time is admissible when transferred while on earned leave exceeding 120 days (Ruling 4 of FR 106).
  2. Extraordinary Leave
    Joining time is not admissible if an employee is on extraordinary leave for more than 14 days (FR 107 (b) (i)).
  3. Post-Suspension
    No joining time is allowed after suspension adjudged as a specific penalty (Ruling 4 F under FR 106).
  4. No Change of Building
    Joining time is not admissible when the transfer does not involve a change of building (Ruling 4 under FR 106).
  5. Casual Leave
    Casual leave should not be prefixed or suffixed to joining time.

Important Points on Joining Time

General Provisions

  1. Holidays Following Joining Time
    When holidays follow joining time, the normal joining time may be deemed extended to cover such holidays (G.O.Ms.No.158 Finance department, dated 26-05-1969 read with subsidiary rule 1(b) under FR 106).
  2. Single Day for Non-Residence Change
    Not more than one day is allowed to join a new post if it does not involve a change of residence from one station to another.
  3. Holidays and Sundays Count
    A holiday or Sunday counts as a day for the purpose of subsidiary rule 1(a) of FR 106.
  4. No Change of Office
    No joining time is allowed when the change of post does not involve an actual change of office (subsidiary rule 1(a) of FR 106).

Specific Situations

  1. Transfer at Request
    Joining time may be allowed for transfers at the request of the employee, subject to the authority sanctioning the transfer reducing the period if necessary in the public interest (subsidiary rule 13 of FR 106).
  2. Sunday Following Joining Time
    The Sunday immediately following the joining time, when the government servant returns to duty on the following Monday, does not form part of the joining time and should be suffixed to it as in the case of holidays for leave purposes (Rule 7 of subsidiary rules under FR 106).
  3. Commencement of Joining Time
    Joining time commences from the date of relinquishment of charge of the old post if the charge is made over in the forenoon, or the following date if the charge is made over in the afternoon (G.O.Ms.No.84, Finance department, dated 15-4-1981). The procedure for handing over charge on transfer and the regulation of pay are detailed in rulings 1 and 2 under FR 107.
More Details Read : Circular Memo.No:10445/Ser.D/2011 Dated:01-06-2011

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TS-bPASS – Approval of layouts in Gram Panchayats – Regulation of unauthorised layouts


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