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Saturday, April 1, 2017

NREGS-AP-Works under Rural Connectivity project- Certain guidelines


Rural Development – NREGS-AP-Works under Rural Connectivity project- Certain Guidelines – Issued

GO.Ms.No: 271
Dated: 08-09-2009

Read the following:

O R D E R :-

Ref: 1) G.O. Ms 231, dated: 24.07.09 of PR&RD (RD.II) Dept.
2) G.O. Ms 236, dated: 31.07.09 of PR&RD (RD.II) Dept.
3) G.O.Ms. No. 238, Dt. 1.08.2009 of PR&RD (RWS.III)
4)G.O.M,s. No. 350, Dt. 31.08.2006 of PR&RD (RWS.III)

In the G.O first cited above, Government have allocated Rs.700 crores for Zilla Parisheds for taking up Rural connectivity project (RCP) under NREGS. In the G.O. second cited above, Government have allocated Rs.50 lakhs Per each Mandal Parisheds for taking up internal roads, drains and roads to fields etc.

2.  Implementating Agency: Panchayat Panchayat Raj Engineering Dept (PRED) shall execute these roads in case of plain areas and Tribal Welfare Engineering Dept (TWED) shall execute these roads in case of Tribal areas following the guidelines detailed below.
3.  Type of works to be taken up under ZPP component :
  1. Formation of road upto WBM Grade II surface including CD Works connecting SC habitation/locality in plain areas.
  2. Formation of road upto WBM Grade II surface including CD Works connecting ST habitation/locality in plain areas.
  3. Formation of road upto WBM Grade II surface including CD Works connecting ST habitation/locality in tribal areas.
  4. Formation of road upto WBM Grade II surface including CD Works for connecting Other habitation/locality in plain areas.
  5. CD works on roads taken up previously under NREGS.
4.  Type of works to be taken up under MPP component:
  1. Formation of road (internal) upto WBM-G-II including CD Works and Drains in SC Colonies
  2. Formation of road (internal) upto WBM-G-II including CD Works and Drains in ST Colonies.
  3. Formation of road (internal) upto WBM-G-II including CD Works and Drains in Other Colonies.
  4. Formation of road (internal) upto WBM-G-II including CD Works and Drains in INDIRAMMA Colonies.
  5. Formation of road upto gravel surface including CD Works to agriculture fields.
  6. Formation of road upto gravel surface including CD Works to Burial grounds.
5.  Specifications and standards for Roads to be taken up under ZPP Component:
  1. All roads shall be executed with PMGSY specifications and standards in general.
  2. The top width of road shall be 7.50 Metres.
  3. In exceptional cases, where ever width of 7.50.mtrs is not possible, minimum formation width of 6.00 mtrs shall be adopted. Road works where formation width is less than 6.00 mtrs shall not be taken up.
  4. In any case, the formation width of the road shall not be less than 6.00 mtrs. The roads are expected to be upgraded B.T. Surface with PMGSY funds in future.
  5. The estimate shall be prepared habitation wise covering entire length irrespective of the cost. This means one habitation will have one work. The estimate shall not be limited for the purpose of according Technical sanctions at lower levels.
  6. Necessary C.D works of minor and medium nature such as pipe culverts, Slab culverts and road dams (chaptas) shall also be taken up simultaneously along with formation of roads.
  7. Bridges with total linear water way more than 8 mts shall not be taken up under NREGS.
Contd. Page.No.2
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5

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